PoweR Rating System - Guide to understanding

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PoweR Rating System - Guide to understanding
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7 years 168 days ago

Difficulty from my POV seems great now, don't think i've seen more than 2 of them at once. They still regen but it hasn't been a problem for me yet. Perhaps for melee. 

Item progressio is vastly better however, we are 1/2 way to getting a good system. What we have now just needs fine tuning. Long video on it due this weekend.

7 years 168 days ago
Airsick Hydra

That's definitely problematic.

I'll... still give it a shot, but I can't honestly say that I'll end up putting as much time in this build as I put in before, not if level progression is even more stagnant. Did... they at least fix the godawful Marauder-spam and absurd HP regen?

7 years 168 days ago

well i'll save you some time! - You won't be happy. Unlocking more items is far quicker, unlocking perks also. Going through power levels and missions is far more fluid. But what we had was not really a balancing patch, it's an entirely new system.

As a result there has been a few unforeseen consequences - accont level progression is very slow and gaining a level every 10-15 missions for a skill point is clearly a mis-calculation. Something obviously that'll change, but if you want to unlock all the skill points to build something special, you will need some time.

7 years 168 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Still downloading. Yaaay. Our net is slower than an Administratum knock knock joke today.

What I mean by a build are my passives. My buffs, my reductions, my procs... I'll give you an example. I decided to tinker around with a weird Templar build in Path of Exile (relevant because the skill tree is passive, rather than Grim Dawn's mostly-active skill tree), and this particular build doesn't really become viable until about level 35. Even given the fact that my clear speed is lower because, well... it's a sword and board build, it still didn't take me much more'n about 8 hours to hit 35 and clear that peak--which is on the long end for that viability peak, I would say similar to the tanky Crusader in the previous build (which was very passive-intensive and took bloody forever to get to the point where I wasn't chugging pots).

My 'sader's passives were what solved the godawful focus regen, damage reduction, block rates, procs to boost that DR higher... everything I needed to actually survive doing what 'saders are supposed to do, and that took... I think 35 skill points? I don't remember what level milestones in the last build gave multiple skill points, but it was over 30. I didn't really see returns until I had the HP and Defense trees capped, parts of the support tree bought, and at least a point in a couple other places.

Time to Level is a weird one to nail down, and it feels like they're still leaning towards an MMO curve over an ARPG curve still.

7 years 168 days ago

It'll depend entirely on what you feel is "progress"

If you mean before your build becomes active - it's very slow. Because skill points don't come at you so fast. But even then, what is a build? Slightly more damage done from ability 1-4? Slightly less damage taken? - Perks arrive faster, i'd argue that they are really what makes a "build" perhaps moreso than skills, because they actually influence game style.

If you mean by gearing / obtaining looty booty - It's far quicker because there's a fresh flow of better items to find which gradually get better. Power rating is also the "key stat" so min/maxing gear is less of a priority. Once you get 4 plasma cannons you can compare stats, but to begin with you jsut want one with more power rating, which is how I personally feel a leveling process should be. 

7 years 169 days ago
Airsick Hydra

I'm less concerned with the rate at which I unlock my goodies, as much as I am with getting over that "new game" hump all APRGs have--that slog that, depending on class, can be anywhere from a few minutes to several hours before your build concept becomes properly viable through skill distribution--tanks being a favored class these days and being notoriously slow to really get nailed down, I find the idea that leveling for skill passives is slower somewhat concerning. It was slow already, compared to conventional ARPGs--one week to 20 (solo) before, compared to one week to level 4-6 characters to 40 in one of the other ARPGs in my collection.

I'll still give it a shot, of course, and form a complete opinion for feedback, but I'm not feeling incredibly hopeful about this build from the information I'm getting from the board post-update. That being said, the road map mentions a few of these points for the November update as well, so hopefully by the time the full game is finished and shipped this will all be a moot point and progression will hit, if not the sweet spot, at least a pace that is comfortable for the players that avoid the grind of MMOs as well as the hardcore audience.

7 years 169 days ago

The inquisitor Rank is very fast to level, perhaps even too fast. So you progress through loot table and unlock items at a fairly fast pace. 

The account level however is somewhat slower by comparison to the previous, although I've yet to see if by getting further into the system that the exp scales with that progress and accelerates progression. 

The new item changes are brilliant, feels like playing an ARPG finally - looking for new loot constantly.

But it seems that this new system will need a balance change after some data is collected, to get the time / level ratio right. Due to the progress though it's not a grind as such, unless you are just looking for skill points, that's arguably slower to get.

7 years 169 days ago

...Yaay... I have to do two different things to progress now. Please tell me it's not a slog anymore--I still have about 8 hours of solid downloading to go before I can crack open the new build.

That said... if progression is the same (or slower), I may not want to. That would be disappointing.

Solid video.

7 years 169 days ago

Damn Hydra, you're fast man ! I love the new system...what a HUGE improvement !!