Power Levels - Explained


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This post was modified 7 years 184 days ago by Megapull
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Power Levels - Explained
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7 years 189 days ago

Mighty Snakefist, in his Wisdom, thinks that more crafting options would allow a smooth transition.

7 years 190 days ago
Post pinned. ;)
7 years 193 days ago
Airsick Hydra

That's more what I meant by my statement, pardon... I'm still rather fried from the week.

I'm not seeing the sort of inflation requiring forced gear change every few levels that I normally see in an ARPG, outside of that last hump where you have to discard stats to bump up over into the next tier which is, IMO, a mistake. Discarding build relevant stats for the sake of changing a modifier strikes me as problematic; hopefully later we'll be able to force things like DR and Deflect so that we won't feel as though we're stuck when it comes time to bump up to the next power level.

7 years 193 days ago

I'm not sure if you interpreted the video as me saying Martyr has inflation issues. That is the exact opposite of the case. It was simply me - talking about what I think is dangerous about inflation as an individual topic. 

The intended subliminal message was to give a slight justification as to why Martyr has gone for the route it has. There are inherent advantages to Martyr's system. If there are 8 Tiers of content, there are 8 proportionate weapon tables that need to be balanced. In every instance every build will remain proportionate to each other and far far easier to keep control of.

Really balancing Martyr will just be like balancing a PvE version of a Moba. 

If an individual weapon overperforms you lower it's damage - it won't impact any other build. 

If a category of damage types overperform (for eg crit) you change the numbers of the entire lot 

If the above 2 aren't an option consider changing a skill.

That's pretty much it... Nothing very soul destroying. Although perhaps a little over simplistic. 

7 years 193 days ago

Isn't it more of weapon balance issue then? For example dual las pistols are crap, dual bolt pistols rock.

7 years 193 days ago

Watched, and watched your inflation rant...

Some of us just want the weapon we like to remain as viable as the rest of the weapons we have that stay relevant so we can keep playing in our chosen playstyle. :P

Oh yeah, I'm gonna give you a hard time, the chainsword is NEVER GONNA DIE!

Honestly though, ribbing aside, I've noticed less inflation issues so far than, say... Diablo 2, Torchlight 2... etc. While there are a couple cases of wanting to rush T2 for an improved version of something (in my case, storm shield and chainsword), largely I've been content keeping the same equipment for each character and have been able to do so. So a lot of my itemization complaints are solely due to the fact that one or two pieces of kit out of the whole lot doesn't stay relevant towards the end of a tier while the rest does. Realistically, I hate having to swap my gear every ten levels, let alone how often it happened in the Diablo series. Might be a certain stat is increased that I like keeping up, or a style (like the chainsword's "fast" cleave vs. much slower cleaves), or it might be as silly as just liking the look of a piece of gear.

7 years 193 days ago

Honestly there are pro's and con's to many things within Martyr right now. Choices game designers make always come with an up and a down which is why I find it so interesting as a topic. Should you catch me just focusing one side of the argument it's not because that's all I believe, it's just me trying to poke others side into seeing both sides! :D

7 years 193 days ago

Good job, Hydra! Well explained and all points present, both positive, and negative.

I see that some points I was making in our discussion about power creep are here, so good to know we see things in same way in the end. 

7 years 195 days ago

Yeah I realised what you meant. Won't impact any of the power level information tho at least. 

Much like the founding - My videos will always contain bugs :D

7 years 195 days ago

Actually, it was more of a keen "ear". So, just to clarify:

Caligari Sector,

Tenebra Sub-Sector,

5 Star Systems, each with several planets.

7 years 195 days ago

Yes good point, should have said sectors and not planets - The thinking within my head was that all planets in that sector are the same level.  Kinda hard to do these things glitch free with only 1 ad-hoc rehearsal while driving home :D fortunately I don't think it'll get in the way of delivering the message. 

Shall publish it on steam with a hope it'll get some attention.

Keep up that keen eye. 

This comment was edited 7 years 195 days ago by Airsick Hydra
7 years 195 days ago

Very nice Hydra, even I learned a bit from that. I think the Devs should pin this.

Just wanted to point out a small error you made. Possibly you just misspoke. There are not 5 "planets" in the subsystem, there are 5 star systems, each with a number of planets. Other than that, well done !

7 years 195 days ago

THANK YOU! Also, subbing to your channel.

7 years 195 days ago

Very nice explanation of what the Power Level does, thank you very much :-)

7 years 195 days ago
sheet DPS