Post-Pskyer Feedback


Here's some more feedback with some repeats from my pre-psyker patch feedback. I figure it's good to compare and contrast these things.

Like the last time I'll start with the good, which quite frankly, is just going to be a quote:

In no particular order for positives:

Not having to click loot to get it is great. The Innoculator is a very cool potion mechanic. The geometry deformation and impact effects are fantastic. The writing is great. Having the option of WASD to move is great. And many more things that are great too numerous to list. Being able to freely respec skill trees and attribute points is awesome. The crafting system is interesting and has some depth to it. The pathfinding is flawless (I've yet to find a location too complicated or far away to click that has a valid path that the pathfinding system didn't immediately find without breaking). It looks incredibly 40k - the character designs, the tilesets, the skulls everywhere the gothic spikyness and fake-latin is all there.

None of this has changed. You're still nailing the 40k aesthetic, etc. etc. Now a couple more things go on the good pile: Performance has increased dramatically for me. It was never awful, but it's certainly better now. I think I like the new levelling system too? This is a maybe because it'll need a lot more data to know for sure. But the theory seems sound?

When it comes to the issues however, sadly a lot of them still apply. Cover is still fragile and sometimes wonky, many abilities don't work from it. Dodging is still 4 individual buttons (which also have binding problems, but that's probably because I'm binding them to something unusual) - dodging is just not well implemented. Weapons still hit too hard in terms of visuals and fx - making the truly powerful weapons like bolters and meltas seem kind of anemic or average in comparison. Autopistols should not make people explode into red mist. To quote myself from the last feedback topic 

"Everything up to 11 at all times means it doesn't really feel like 11 - can't see any peaks if everything is peaks."

Additionally, there's still a distinct lack of active ability variety. Now you've put a ton of work in the psyker and it shows. But more exciting to me, is that in building the Psyker you've created the perfect UI and code base for expanding the active ability pool.

You can use the same UI you're using for assigning Psyker powers to the "empty" weapon slots for expanding the active power pool of Armor. Instead of having 1 ability per armor, give them a few slots, some of which can be fixed and some of which are player assignable - it expands the array of cool stuff we can do and it's perfectly 40k (you'll get half a dozen different abilities just from wrist mounted bolters with varying ammo types).

Speaking of the Psyker - while I'm not going to go into the balance, because obviously, numbers are easy to change, there are some conceptual issues with the psyker. The ones that stood out to me so far, are the fact that Time Warp is useless against beam weapons like lasguns. Which is kind of a problem when that's that kind of psykers only defense. It's great against projectiles (probably too good) hilarious against homing missiles (where it is just perfect). But having it be 100% useless against the primary weapon of entire enemy faction type is a big problem. The other one that stood out is Fiery Form doing damage to the environment - which looks cool I admit - but which also means cover, one of the core features of the game's combat mechanics, gets destroyed by using it passively. That's obviously really bad. You can sacrifice that cool factor for playability in this case and make Fiery Form not damage the environment - or at least not damage cover objects.

It's also becoming increasingly clear that a lot of the control and UI issues the game has stem from trying to support and preserve the frankly outdated and unfitting click-to-move 90s aRPG controls. They need to go - WASD to move (or whatever 4-button grouping you want to bind it to) and mouse to aim is quite simply superior. It was superior when you put it into Van Helsing. It was superior when Blizzard put it into console D3. You need to let go of the bad controls and stop trying to support both, because it's actively harming the game at this point.

This post was edited 7 years 33 days ago by DatonKallandor
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Post-Pskyer Feedback
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7 years 31 days ago
Amen to that!

Also you won’t be able to get a refund due to control scheme changing imo. EA will change and thatks the risk you took buying into the game.

Some people tend to hold to tied around nostalgic rather than see the brighter future! For the greater go.. ohh wrong crowd... back to fire warrior;b

7 years 32 days ago
Posted by Thorbimorbi 7 years 32 days ago

What I find the most glaring flaw of the Psyker is that buffs get cancelled when you hit yellow supression.

I frequently find my buff not lasting a second, especially when fighting a combination of Ogryns and Flashlights.

About movement: if this game gets turned away from mouse control, I want my money back. Maybe other people want to play a twin stick with keyboard instead of an Action-RPG, I certainly don't.

Then they should offer those refunds, because click to move is killing this game. It breaks so many pieces, from movement and ability use, to animations to camera control. There's been enough aRPGs now that have shown that we can do far better by making use of the fact that we've got two hands, not one. Not to mention that the console port they're aiming for is going to have to go with the superior control scheme anyway - there's no reason to keep wasting dev time on the bad one.

7 years 32 days ago

What I find the most glaring flaw of the Psyker is that buffs get cancelled when you hit yellow supression.

I frequently find my buff not lasting a second, especially when fighting a combination of Ogryns and Flashlights.

About movement: if this game gets turned away from mouse control, I want my money back. Maybe other people want to play a twin stick with keyboard instead of an Action-RPG, I certainly don't.