Possibly biased seasonal item drop rate at +10 difficulty


Hi there !

We seem to find the drop rate of some particular seasonal item would become very scarce when difficulty is increased.

 For example, the seasonal item "Warbringer's Frenzy":

At +0 difficulty of the Great Uncleaner, it would drop in a balanced way as eye implants and neural implants.

But if the player harvest Great Uncleaner at +10 difficulty, he will see an overwhelming amount of "Warbringer's Frenzy" as neural implant. It would rarely drop (if ever) as an eye implant. 

Similar things had been reported in season 5. Interestingly, it was also an eye implant "Emperor's Vision" that became scarce at high difficulty. 

Similar observations are reported from many community members, and everyone is talking about the same implants, so this have convinced me that this is highly likely a bug rather than some naughty random number playing against us :)

So please look into this and fix. And before that, if any player find they cannot get a specific item, he may need to try his luck at low difficulty. 

This post was edited 1 year 256 days ago by Distemper
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Possibly biased seasonal item drop rate at +10 difficulty
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1 year 255 days ago
Ok thank you for the report. I've added it to the devs list. Cheers!
1 year 256 days ago
BTW warbringer's frenzy is just an example, it would not be surprising if more items are found to be influenced by difficulty