PLZ make Ordo reputation account wide!


i see no sense in levelling ordo rep for each char.

it would simply be a QoL-feature^^ why should i relog to another char to buy some mats for instance?

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PLZ make Ordo reputation account wide!
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5 years 197 days ago
it's different in WoW - you buy a rep mount e.g. and it's BoP.

here you can swap everything by the shared storage, so it makes no sense (for me) to have and ordo rep for each char.

btw even warcraft is merging more and more feats and reps to account wide ;)

5 years 197 days ago
Guess the OP's never playen an MMO before?

I don't see the proble where each character has to earn its own rep. It stays withe the fluff of the game?

But then I'm also a console player and having to log in and out of games to swich items and such is nothing new. Or I'm just not as entitled to have everything given cause I believe it should

5 years 197 days ago
Posted by LoneKharnivore 5 years 197 days ago
No thanks. Each character should absolutely have separate Ordo rep - what if I want to play a Puritan Crusader of the Ordo Hereticus as well as a Radical Psyker of the Ordo Xenos?
you don't get it, do you?

i can relog to my techpriest now and buy mats and stuff for my crusader and then relog back to him!

the stuff they sell is already accountwide, so why the artificial fussiness with relogging and parking stuff in storage?

this isn't thought through^^

5 years 197 days ago
No thanks. Each character should absolutely have separate Ordo rep - what if I want to play a Puritan Crusader of the Ordo Hereticus as well as a Radical Psyker of the Ordo Xenos?