Please buff or rebalance the Ranged Weapons


As of the moment of making this post the Grav Gun is still the most OP weapon as of the moment. But I am not complaining about how OP it is, my concern is that all the other weapons feel useless compared to the Grav Gun. I am aware that you have made changes to the guns before but they still feel weak. Especially the heavy weapons. Heavy weapons are supposed to be the stronger version of their lighter counterparts but for me they feel weak. Take for example the Bolter vs the Heavy Bolter. The bolter does a better job that it makes the heavy bolter kinda useless because for one the shot spread is atrocious and it just doesn't kill that fast. The auto gun even with it's weakness to armor seems better at taking down armored targets than the heavy bolter and the multi melta. You have to look deeper into these weapons because changing stats won't be enough to make them better. An overhaul of the mechanics are needed to achieve this. A patch that addresses these issues would be greatly appreciated.

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Please buff or rebalance the Ranged Weapons
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5 years 205 days ago
The psalm doctrines do make a lot of impact on the weapons. Love it!
5 years 205 days ago
Posted by Dreadnought999 5 years 206 days ago
Do you have a video on the heavy bolter build?

here you go

5 years 206 days ago
Posted by Dreadnought999 5 years 206 days ago
Since we are in the topic of build. Have you tried a build using a melee weapon in one hand and a ranged weapon in the other? I'm just intrigued on how that plays out since it looks so cool aesthetically speaking.
It sucks.  
5 years 206 days ago
Posted by Dreadnought999 5 years 206 days ago
Do you have a video on the heavy bolter build?
sorry, no HB video yet
5 years 206 days ago
Since we are in the topic of build. Have you tried a build using a melee weapon in one hand and a ranged weapon in the other? I'm just intrigued on how that plays out since it looks so cool aesthetically speaking.
5 years 206 days ago
Do you have a video on the heavy bolter build?
5 years 207 days ago

start with debuff, crits and AOE tree then physical and points where you need them (like 2 into def for 20% more dmg reduction).

perks: cull the weak - diversive tactics - artificier magazines


This comment was edited 5 years 207 days ago by Battleangel99
5 years 207 days ago
I was thinking of using a grenade launcher like this. What trees do you dump most of your points in?
5 years 207 days ago
I haven't played long enough to actually play with the psalm doctrines on the weapons. But how is it with the Heavy bolter and others like the plasma cannon? I know the heavy bolter has an atrocious shot spread at it's base but does it get any better when psalm doctrines are inserted?
5 years 207 days ago
hehe... this psalm doctrine triples the dmg and fun for HeavyBolter too btw ;)
5 years 207 days ago
Oh hot damn that some serious firepower there.
5 years 207 days ago

Gravity Gun isn't the only strong or "most OP" weapon...

This comment was edited 5 years 207 days ago by Battleangel99