Playing Tech-Adept Inquisitor - invincble chest and turret?


Hi there, I had beeen playing for hours and manged to find out that the turret where you press F to enter... they are invincible. If I do click the middle mouse and turn camera a little, I do see it. 

For the loot chest, sometime they shine yellow and doesn't show any chest texture? 

This is not right... 

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Playing Tech-Adept Inquisitor - invincble chest and turret?
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5 years 91 days ago
Hi Marcopolocs,

I am playing with a crusader. Noticed the same bug. This is what becomes invisible for me:

- the turret emplacements you can interact with.

- the chest illuminated in the secret rooms where you fight chosen champions of chaos

- the grey units in Word Bearers levels with machine guns (I believe they are called Unbound Enforcer or something).


5 years 94 days ago
We are already investigating the matter. Thank you for the valuable additional details!