Physical damage its for range weapons ??


Hello ,

Please i want know if Physical damage its for range weapons too like bolters, cause dont have any information what type damage in weapons, can you guys put more information in weapons please ?.

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Physical damage its for range weapons ??
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6 years 247 days ago
thx you guys, i missing doing that.. so crazy game.....
6 years 251 days ago

Go to your inventory and click on the gun in question, then click on one of its attacks. The description box of this attack should state the type of attack in the upper right corner.

For example, for a lasgun it then says "Heat (laser), for a boltgun it says "Physical (kinetic)", IIRC.

This comment was edited 6 years 251 days ago by Starwalker
6 years 252 days ago
Posted by Gadam 6 years 252 days ago
The damage type is in the skill's tooltip because some weapons have skills with different damage type. 
i know but.. where i can know what damage type is bolter?? dont have the info...dont say he bleed or physical, or blast, heat.or sonic... and if are physical , can bleed ?? or just sword make bleed.. need more info in the weapons.. :(... and bolter are bolters no laser ones.. or plasma.. but not 100% sure is physical.. anyway
6 years 252 days ago
The damage type is in the skill's tooltip because some weapons have skills with different damage type.