Perk causing crash



So, I equipped a second perk, Vanquisher of the Vile, to go with my 1st, Tactical Mastery.

Next mission, the 2nd in an investigation the game crashed right at the start, proper crash to windows with the crash report window.

This happened 5 times before I thought to remove the Vanquisher perk and after I did the mission played fine.

Not sure if its the perk itself, the combination with the Tactical perk or something else but it might need a look.

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Perk causing crash
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7 years 205 days ago

Time was around 20:00 BST (so 21:00 cest) last night. About 20 minutes before I posted this thread.

Perhaps it was a combination with something else, it was a Sky Ramps map in the Dagnor system I believe, 2nd mission in an investigation. Tried doing various things at the start but always crashed within about 10 seconds or doing anything unless I just stood still at the start. It said it sent the bug reports every time if that's any help.

No other new gear or anything that had not already been through at least 1 mission with me.

Perk was in the 2nd slot, Tactical Mastery in the first.

Account - Heretic Chris

Character - Christus

7 years 205 days ago

Apparently it is not the perk that causes the crash. Could you provide some more info? An ingame account name/timestamp (approximate) would be fine for starters.

edit: i already have your acc name

This comment was edited 7 years 205 days ago by Megapull
7 years 205 days ago
Thanks, good find. Will fix it soon!