Performance Problems


I'm suffering from microlags or freezes, most notably when enemy density is high (from Unholy Cathedral 3-4 minute mark onward). The game pauses and restarts a few seconds later. while paused I cannot move the mouse or alt tab.

I'm running a 4670K and a 1070 on windows 10. I've tried the solutions found here and have set all graphical settings and persistent corpses to the lowest. These are my display settings

Sitting on the command bridge I have ~180 FPS, ~100 FPS during a mission until it freezes and then shoots back to 100 FPS again.

Am I missing some simple fix here?

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Performance Problems
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6 years 233 days ago

Try this, got to video settings and lower the persistence corpses bar to zero

6 years 233 days ago
SSD solve you problem