Perfomance issue specific mob


Hello Marco!

I've just played my first map level 80. It did contain 3 bosses to be defeated. 3 times the same mob on different locations of the map. The mob is called blood onslaught empaler if i recall correctly (it is a huge mecha, one of his ability is a chain to slow down)

The map ran smoothly, but as soon as i did get in range with this mob, for the 3 of them, the game fps was terrible... i still heard the sound of my attacks but 0 fps. I had to pause the game so he could recompute my location and so on.

Could you have a look and fix the issue please?

Many thanks! 

Console: xbox one x.

Btw, i have to run 10 missions only using psyker skill to unlock a skill. I did all the mission only using bio lightning, it never count... it this bugged?

Best regard!

This post was edited 4 years 281 days ago by Kiliak
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Perfomance issue specific mob
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4 years 280 days ago
This was enough information we know which map were you referring to. Thank you for the additional details, we will try to reproduce the problem on our end.
4 years 280 days ago
Unfortunately i don't know the name of the map.

it is an outside map, where you are runing on steel bridge, and the boss was on circle plateform, connected by bridges...

I'll take a screenshot next time i play it.

However, i've already played this map without issue.

And i've now encountered the boss on other map without issue.

I think it will be very hard to determine the cause of the issue :(

I'll come back on this, the day i'll meet the issue again.

As for the requirement, i played the map doing the following:

- no innoculator equiped

- belt had no skill

- used no weapon skill

- use the fiery form skill

I started the map (lvl2, i'm lvl75), casted fiery form and just ran into the mob. I casted this (and only) this skill 3x for the entire map. Still did not count. I put no tarot map, no mod was applied on this map (as lvl2).

So for now i don't know what prevent the map to count. I guess the next step is to run a lvl2 map naked, with just 1 psyker skill equiped xD

4 years 280 days ago
Could you please describe the map terrain? We will start the investigation from there.

As for the requirement: if you use a weapon skill even once -like the Force Bolt - it won't count.
Suddenly I'm not sure if reflect damage counts as 'other skill' so its worth a check if its zero.

4 years 280 days ago


Just did fight the mob (blood slaughterer impaler) but on a different map, and no issue.

But this is the first map l play, while yesterday i played another map after 2-3h of play. So i don't really what caused the issue.


This comment was edited 4 years 280 days ago by Kiliak