[PC] The end of Season of the Warp Surge and merge details



you have less than two weeks left to finish up all the objectives of Season of the Warp Surge as Inquisitor - Martyr's 2nd Season will come to an end on 15 June. As a reminder, completing all objectives of the Master Tier (3rd Tier) will grant you one extra Stasis Casket box.

Those players, who could not participate in Inquisitor - Martyr's first Season (Season of the Inferno), may wonder what will happen to their characters and other acquired items. Below you can find all the answers you are looking for.


Seasonal characters will simply become non-seasonal, regular characters, so you will be able to keep playing them. The items you have on your characters, stash, and inventory will be also transferred over to non-season. Seasonal items with special names and enchants will remain - you might find some use to their special enchants during upcoming events!

There are several Seasonal mechanics tied to the Seasonal Journey and the Objectives in it - those rewards tied to the Journey will not be carried over, such as the Store discount bonuses. However, the remaining Warpsurge Shards that your character might have, albeit not dropping anymore (you can still forge them), will be carried through into non-season.

Currencies like Favor, Credits, and Fate will be simply merged into non-season. It is time to buy all that extra stuff with the goods you have earned! Crafting materials such as Sparks of Glory will be merged as well. Speaking of crafting, your blueprint charges on Seasonal characters should add up to your non-seasonal charges, up to the allowed maximum. All your unlocked blueprints, and Inoculator unlocks should be carried over safely as well.

Aside from items and crafting, Campaign and assignment progress is going to be carried over as well, of course, along with Ordo and Influence unlocks. Your Heroic Deeds that you have unlocked on your Seasonal Inquisitor should now be unlocked on your regular characters. Heroic Deed progress should be carried over and added to your existing progress, so you may get some additional unlocks!

Tarot Card progress should work in a bit different way: The player will receive tarot cards equaling the amount spent on upgrades during the Season. Tarot Seals will simply be carried over and merged into non-Season.

Your active missions on your characters should remain so, such as Intels and Void Crusades.

When this all happens, there will be a longer maintenance period so we can ensure that everything is transferred over correctly. After this period ends, there will be roughly two-three weeks of inter-Seasonal time so you can freely sort out your characters and stash.


As for what comes next? Be prepared, as we will soon announce the launch date of our Season 3, which will introduce not only new items and mechanisms but the much desired Void Crusade Co-Op will also arrive along with new balance changes and features.

The Emperor Protects.

This post was modified 3 years 258 days ago by patrikNeocore
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[PC] The end of Season of the Warp Surge and merge details
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3 years 259 days ago
Brother Kundari

Ya, I know how it is.  Busted my butt to try and get it all done, came close, but just didn't happen.

3 years 259 days ago
Posted by Warondar 3 years 259 days ago
I just had to reply to one of your posts on this subject, just going on and on about how Neocore let you down and all the rest.

I've read everything that was said,  and frankly I'm just perplexed on why you are SO upset with the devs for having the servers go down into maintenance a few hours before it was 11:59pm of June 15th in your timezone, instead of being upset with yourself?

If you had 2 Tier V objectives still remaining with just a few hours of playtime left for you before it ended,  do you really believe you would of finished those 2 objectives in time?

The season was like 6 months long or so, and many of us including myself, also had just a couple or so objectives left in Tier V to complete but didn't.  That's just how it is.  Better luck next season and maybe don't assume you'll have time to finish 2 Tier V objectives in a few hours on the known final day of the season.  I would of not taken that chance and stayed up a few extra hours the day before to finish them.

Yes, I was upset and so on because of not specific time was mentioned and so on, and so on back then. Do I really believe that I could have had the chance, to fulfill those 2 Objectives remaining, if I were given that time to fight against the clock before final closing?

I wouldn´t say I would definitely 100% have done it, but at least I would have had a decent chance to do it.

So therefore I was like I was back then, and even though even the slightest little bit of it is left in me, there still is the fact that today is the Season 3 of Void Brethren, and I´m on the full puffed on attack on getting all of it done. Then Season 2 is going to be like it was, but I will always take with me a little bit of it and I will never forget it.

And then we shall fight on.

3 years 259 days ago
Brother Kundari
I just had to reply to one of your posts on this subject, just going on and on about how Neocore let you down and all the rest.

I've read everything that was said,  and frankly I'm just perplexed on why you are SO upset with the devs for having the servers go down into maintenance a few hours before it was 11:59pm of June 15th in your timezone, instead of being upset with yourself?

If you had 2 Tier V objectives still remaining with just a few hours of playtime left for you before it ended,  do you really believe you would of finished those 2 objectives in time?

The season was like 6 months long or so, and many of us including myself, also had just a couple or so objectives left in Tier V to complete but didn't.  That's just how it is.  Better luck next season and maybe don't assume you'll have time to finish 2 Tier V objectives in a few hours on the known final day of the season.  I would of not taken that chance and stayed up a few extra hours the day before to finish them.

3 years 261 days ago
Found them spread out across all four character inventories. I can only imagine what would have happened if they were all full or nearly full.
3 years 262 days ago
Where are my items?

I started playing during the Season of the Warp Surge. I made 4 characters, and got them all over 50. It's been a few months since I signed in. Now my Stasis Casket is empty.

3 years 274 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 3 years 277 days ago

What items are you referring to? Items which will be put into your seasonal storage will be transferred to your non-seasonal casket once the merging takes place.

Ok, got it.  And I can assume that if there isn't any room, those items will be trashed.  Correct>

3 years 274 days ago
I missed playing s1 & s2!

iam now ready to play season3!  i love this game!

bring it!

3 years 275 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 3 years 277 days ago
The exact hour was also announced in the game. It was displayed on the right side in the Main menu.
It may have been, but PLAY button is more frequently pushed then anytthing else, in the Main Menu..

And in the so-called official announcement here on this site, there was NO such thing  as ANY time. All it said was: We close on the 15th. Boom, that´s it.

So therefore you robbed me off my very last chance of finishing my 2 single Challenges in Tier 5 fighting against the clock to see if I could actually have done it. In my book the last day should be the very last day, and that should always be until Midnight at most times, on THE very day.

These things doesn get me to become Furiously angry and such, but I do find  it sad that I am never ever going to be able to get the slightest chance of getting some kind of Compensation for this, when being this close because of you Neocore is bad at announcing the EXACT times of different Events. You are in most cases very good at announcing times (both opening & closure) for events, but in some cases I have to say, sorry you suck.

Because this is not the only time and event, so you Neocore needs to get MUCH better, then what you even are. It isn´t enough to be GREAT at 5 Events, if you suck at 2 Events. That is not good.

Because knowing the EXACT times for closure for different Events for us players is THE difference between ALPHA and OMEGA.

And most players doesn´t even have DISCORD, or let alone even know what it is.

3 years 277 days ago

What items are you referring to? Items which will be put into your seasonal storage will be transferred to your non-seasonal casket once the merging takes place.

3 years 277 days ago
Brother Kundari
The exact hour was also announced in the game. It was displayed on the right side in the Main menu.
3 years 282 days ago
What's going to happen to items that remain in the seasonal stasis casket after the next season starts?
3 years 285 days ago
Posted by Megapull 3 years 285 days ago
Sorry for the inconvenience - the maintenance was announced beforehand, including the timeframe. It was announced in-game in the main menu widgets, and on our Discord server. Be sure to join the latter so you don't miss out on important news!
You say sorry, but that doesn´t really help me very much now, does it. This thread exactly HERE is THE OFFICIAL TO GO TO ANNONCEMENT to go to for getting to know the exact detalis of WHEN it is supposed to OFFICIALLY END.

What it says on the so-called MAIN MENU in-game Widget or what it actually says on the so-called DISCORD-server actually means not a lot actually. 95% if what the MAIN MENU is to me is Hit the Play Button, and that is it. And I usually hit the PLAY button before even seeing anything else.

This site here on THIS FORUM is THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. THIS IS IT. And on OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS it si supposed to state ALL FACTS about everything there is TO KNOW when it comes to closure.

All it said was... we finish on the 15th of June. Ok, since being THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT for this game closure I as a player of this game of course find this CLOSURE on that specific date as meaning that I am perfectly able to go on that specific date and play all until you close down ALL the servers when it hits EXACT MIDNIGHT European time. Yes, this means when it goes from the 15th over to the 16th for the European Market.

This exact site here, for me, is the one, that has always been, and will always be, and which originally was announced always as THE OFFICIAL NEOCORE WEBSITE. Unless anything ELSE will be OFFICIALLY announced I will STILL see THIS site here as THE OFFICIAL NEOCORE SITE.

And when you DO announce the END of WARP Season on your OFFICIAL SITE, I take THAT as THE OFFICIAL saying.

And it is your duty to say in an OFFICIAL Announcement exactly what day, date and exact time. So if you closes your Servers DOWN on the Tuesday 15th, you should also announce that you will do so, like say, at exact 13:00 hrs or 1 PM CET. Or whatever the time you actually decides to act on it.

This IS and WAS the OFFICIAL very LAST announcement of the closing BEFORE THE actual closing of the Warp Season, and EVERYTHING IS supposed to be in that. Every little piece of official must be there. I´m tired of having to ask again and again of what time and so forth and so forth, about so many things I have done. Because in an announcement like this it is not SUPPOSED to be any kind of doubt. There isn t supposed to BE any kind of Questions. Everything is supposed to be CRYSTAL CLEAR.

So yeah, I am not furious, but I must say I am a bit angry, pissed and dissapointed about this, because you ripped my very last chance to wrap up my final ONLY 2 Challenges I had left to do. And I know I had one great chance of completing my very last 2 Challenges.

Guess I won´t get anything in compensation for this loss, but I am allowed to express my feelings.

So there you have it. All my ranting, if some1 calls it that. But in this case, I am allowed.

And no, I do not have this Discord. Because I do not see Discord as official as such.

3 years 285 days ago
Brother Kundari
Sorry for the inconvenience - the maintenance was announced beforehand, including the timeframe. It was announced in-game in the main menu widgets, and on our Discord server. Be sure to join the latter so you don't miss out on important news!
3 years 286 days ago
Posted by logan93 3 years 286 days ago

Yes, how long will be the maintenance?

THREE WEEKS. At least!
3 years 286 days ago
You know what I have today??

I have mixed feelings. Both dissapointed and a bit angry. Today is the 15th. It is the last day of The Season of the Warp Surge.

I am angry and hugely dissapointed because I was in GREAT and GOOD belief/mood that I was today on the 15th on the very last day of the Warp Season and actually spend a few hours before MIDNIGHT closed in on me to wrap up the very last 2 (two) Challenges I have left of Tier 5. And what met me on the 15th as I logged in 4:15 CET to wrap things up? It is ALL OVER. WTF? Hey, it isn´t MIDNIGHT yet.

I am both a bit pissed and hugely dissapointed in the fat that I do NOT get the chance to wrap up those only 2 Challenges, to complete all the Tiers.

I HAD the chance of finishing my last very 2 Challenges, and now you just come in like that and rip me off the chances I have of ever getting it.

Seriously, when you said it was on the 15th I was surely in the believe that you meant it was OVER midnight from 15th to 16th. How am I EVER be able to make up for this loss?!? Yeah, it is dissapointing and it kinda pisses me off, when there is only this little left to do, when this last day surely should be the last chance to wrap up everything for everyone to fight against the clock before final closure.

And for those who now says, Yeah, well... Better luck next time and Tough luck, and you should know and all that. I can kinda understand you too as well. But still...

Now I am never ever gonna have the chance of fighting the clock against the final wrap up of getting ALL Challenges done.

3 years 286 days ago

Yes, how long will be the maintenance?

3 years 286 days ago
Hey, quick question. How long will be the maintenance?
3 years 286 days ago
You guys are awesome ;-)
3 years 287 days ago
Nooo really guys, I was stuck at 273 cortex fragments last weekend and did all the season stuff until stage 4, now I cant unlock the stages because custodian rebus is gone... can you please activate him until the season ends so it wasnt all for nothing?? The emperor protects!