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- Out Now on PS4 and Xbox One: Poisoned Souls DLC
Out Now on PS4 and Xbox One:
Poisoned Souls DLC
Warhammer 40K NewsInquisitors!
A new DLC is available for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One version of Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr, titled Poisoned Souls.
The spread of Warp-tainted drugs has been reported amongst the populace, with potentially grave consequences for the stability of the affected region. The threat level is still debatable, but the Imperium cannot take risks on matters like this.
This DLC contains a special Priority Assignment. An investigation consists of a short story and a series of new missions. Upon completing the Assignment you will be rewarded with a unique Inoculator Material. This assignment is only available after unlocking the Triglav Subsector.
Please note that this DLC might appear with a slight delay on the PS Store in the US region.
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There is no City of Suffering PS4 DLC on PSS EU but there is on PSS US. When will can I download thie DLC from PSS EU? I have season pass.
The City of Suffering DLC can be found in the Triglac sector - Malcorum system - Myrkon.
The Poisoned Soul DLC can be launched at the Astropath on the Command Bridge.
From America
On ps4
Poisoned souls is not free for me right now
From America
On ps4
Poisoned souls is not free for me right now
Our console publisher is currently on a matter related to American Season-pass holders who cannot access the DLC for free. This will most likely be handled within days maximum!
Our apologize for the inconvenience!
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