Out now on PS4 and Xbox One:

Heresy Emote



A new downloadable content for Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr is available on consoles: "Heresy" emote is out now on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

What is an Inquisitor without the urge, the right and the eloquence to accuse and to suspect that the facts, events and circumstances might be less than comparable to the Imperium's views? 

With this emote, you can do so, and declare or dismiss anything as Heresy. What you do about it after the fact, is up to you.

Note: this DLC will appear in the American PS Store on December 5.

This post was edited 6 years 118 days ago by Tender
Store Page
Out now on PS4 and Xbox One: Heresy Emote
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6 years 115 days ago
US store is Dec 5th. So its not there yet.
6 years 115 days ago
Yes it is! Cannot you see it? 
6 years 115 days ago

Is this DLC part of the season pass?

This comment was edited 6 years 115 days ago by CrazyBizzy
6 years 115 days ago
We fixed the issue on our end, so Season pass owners can get access to every DLC included in the Season pass from now now!:)
6 years 116 days ago

Wonder what they chances of this working after buying it ? Every single DLC I have bought has had a problem showing up after I purchase it. Call me reluctant. Also it would be helpful to at least show us what it looks like. How do I know I want this or not ?

This comment was edited 6 years 116 days ago by Damaskinos
6 years 116 days ago

Weird but just true:

Roaming around constantly pointing fingers and yell "HERSY!!!" at mutants, traitors and xenos never gets old!
Yeah, it's just a little emote and doesn't actually "do" anything from a tactical standpoint but I can't deny how much fun it is!
I'd never thought that I'm going to say/type this - because I HATE micro transactions - but:

"HERESY" Emote  =  best [useless] DLC I've ever payed money for!

If you want to get into some extra "Inquisitorial mood", go GET IT!