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- Omicron Arkh guy missing
Omicron Arkh guy missing
Warhammer 40K Bug Report
4 years 292 days ago
replied 4 years 281 days ago
I recently redownloaded the Game after months of not playing it, after having done numerous missions without progressing, since that Omicron guy never showed up.
Now I have the same issue lingering still, and heard you could help of I give you my PSN ID?
If so, that would be great, I'd really like to finally be able to go beyond Chapter 2 after all this time.
It's the same name as here; Rodrianius
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Omicron Arkh guy missing
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4 years 281 days ago
Thanks, just tried it out and it's working. Please convey my thanks to the devs. Cheers
4 years 283 days ago
According to a note from our devs from Friday the issue got fixed. You are still unable to speak with him on the Bridge?
4 years 290 days ago
Aha! There's that martian good-for-nothing!
Thank you kindly, guys. Please, forward my gratitude to the Adeptus of the Team who fixes these things
4 years 291 days ago
Your case has been forwarded to our developers, they will check and fix the problem in the shortest time possible. Your patience is kindly asked in the following period.
4 years 292 days ago
Hi, sorry if I'm hijacking the post, not sure if this is the same error or not. I have Omicron on my ship and I can interact with him to salvage, craft, etc. But I need to talk to him (Chapter 2: talk to Omicron about Uther's Tarot) and whenever I interact with him, it just opens up the salvage window, so I can't continuo the story. Not sure if I'm missing something here or if this is a bug.
Playing on PS4, character name Mordayne
4 years 292 days ago
We got the problem corrected please check on your character.
Set this current order state as My default.