offline  story mode


guys i read that u  Martyr is online only game thats bad many of us play games in offline mode to Martyr is gona be best  game ever plz guys add offline story mode too coz some of us have very bad internets +  have too go placess where they have  no internet  plz add offline mode too

This post was edited 7 years 166 days ago by umair iqbal
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offline  story mode
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7 years 163 days ago

all am saying is van helsing have a full offline story mode game then why they r doing this to martyr they have too add offline mode too 

7 years 165 days ago
Oh well, I know you will kill this game, and make it unplayable because of reasons../.
7 years 165 days ago
But offline singleplay will be good to see in future.
7 years 165 days ago
Posted by Megapull 7 years 165 days ago

The game will have a story mode - to be added later :)

Net connection is required for account data storage, however.

Phew, that a relief, kind of.

In that case, wish this game many years to live!

7 years 165 days ago

The game will have a story mode - to be added later :)

Net connection is required for account data storage, however.

This comment was edited 7 years 165 days ago by Megapull
7 years 165 days ago
Maybe some comment from devs?
7 years 166 days ago

Nope, game uses constant online connection because of DRM reasons? And evetualy some time after release will have offline(best case scenario) or get killed (aka servers shutdown) and will never be played again...

7 years 166 days ago

The game have offline and story mode.

Look this link