Nurgle Standard Bearers, You Have Proven Me Unworthy


May the Emperor forgive me, but the Standard Bearers of Nurgle have proven to be too much for this Inquisitor to bear. Were it merely the hordes of Nurglings it summons every 5 seconds or so we would purge the unclean, but its health regen is such that no bolter nor grav gun in my hands finds itself sufficient to erase this blight. Grenades and jetpack slams are equally deficient. My failure proves me unworthy in the Emperor's sight, and so I must take the Death Oath for this failure. May all bear witness as I walk unflinching towards my doom.


(seriously, how do I kill these damn things?)

This post was edited 7 years 364 days ago by Erinar
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Nurgle Standard Bearers, You Have Proven Me Unworthy
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7 years 361 days ago

I appreciate all of the responses. So far I'm finding that sword and board is proving most effective; swapping back to ranged after the immediate xenos threat is eliminated.

7 years 361 days ago
Posted by Aedwynn 7 years 362 days ago

Standard Bearers have ability to place a Standard of Nurgle. It provides constant healing to all enemies within it's range, maybe buffs their damage as well. It's targetable so you should destroy any standard you see first. As others noted you can use knock down/stun weapons to prevent Standard Bearer from placing them. When fighting those enemies you need either a weapon with AoE effect (Heavy Flamer, Grenade Launcher or Frag burst mode of bolters) to damage Bearer, Standard and Nurglings at same time, or very high DPS weapon and switch targets (destroy standard as it appears - you will know he is about to place one by animation) or knockdown type weapon to stunlock him to death. 

Grenade  Launcher is the best because you can chain stun  them  so they don't regen or summon more an  the nurglins get slaughtered by is  so far  is   a  spectacle   =)

7 years 362 days ago

Standard Bearers have ability to place a Standard of Nurgle. It provides constant healing to all enemies within it's range, maybe buffs their damage as well. It's targetable so you should destroy any standard you see first. As others noted you can use knock down/stun weapons to prevent Standard Bearer from placing them. When fighting those enemies you need either a weapon with AoE effect (Heavy Flamer, Grenade Launcher or Frag burst mode of bolters) to damage Bearer, Standard and Nurglings at same time, or very high DPS weapon and switch targets (destroy standard as it appears - you will know he is about to place one by animation) or knockdown type weapon to stunlock him to death. 

7 years 363 days ago

inferno pistol + plasma pistol. Kills anything super quick, just watch your overheat bars.....

7 years 363 days ago
Posted by Erinar 7 years 364 days ago

Are the nurglngs giving the standard bearer health regen or some other toughness stat? I can kill the lil suckers all day; it's the guy summoning them that I can't seem to whittle down. By the time I get a second shot off he's healed from the first.

no his banners all do that he places.  they  just get buffed by them    shown by a red aura.  I recommend heavy boltor #2 ability  or  grenade  launcher  if you want to be at range.  As both of these have knock down that will slow or  stop their regeneration and  area  effect to kill the nurgling rushes.

This comment was edited 7 years 363 days ago by Tsunamisan
7 years 364 days ago

Are the nurglngs giving the standard bearer health regen or some other toughness stat? I can kill the lil suckers all day; it's the guy summoning them that I can't seem to whittle down. By the time I get a second shot off he's healed from the first.

7 years 364 days ago
You can kill them indeed like Contavius suggested but I think that they are a bit OP too. Written this up as feedback.
7 years 364 days ago

If you use a large melee weapon with an AOE effect i used a thunder hammer or you can use a shield and power hammer the #2 effect for that combination is an AOE also. Also it helps a lot if your weapon has an interrupt of some sort to counter the healing of the standard bearers.

 That is enough to deal with the nurglings, then kite everything out of the room and kill it, make sure you have some health regen otherwise kiting will just wear down your inoculators to zero. Try if you can to get an item that increases your move speed it helps kiting. You cannot outrun the nurglings but if you have an AOE attack that regens every 5-7 seconds or so you can kill them very easily. I hope that helps.

This comment was edited 7 years 364 days ago by Contavius