Not receiving relics in tarot missions


I haven't received 1 relic out of 8 tarot missions even with extreme fortune.. i was getting approx 4-6 relics per tarot mission before this update.. Can you tske a look at this and try fix..


Character name - Natsu Dragneel

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Not receiving relics in tarot missions
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6 years 177 days ago
The way its looking is that you will have to do about 100 tarot missions to get the gear you want to get to 1500 PR.. Way to much grinding involved for that.. Have 1 character at 1500 and another at 1295... if the extreme fortune drop rate has been dropped to normal.. its safe to say i will never get my 2nd character to 1500 never mind a 3rd one i was planning on doing.. when the drop rate increases (or extreme fortunes are sold more frequently from the shop) i will start playing this full time again... Moved onto other games for the time been
6 years 177 days ago
Thank you for the reply! Good to hear it wasn't actually a bug and was intended. 

Seems like it could use a small bump, or increase in the rate at which the consumable it appears in the shop/drop (my opinion).
6 years 178 days ago

As we checked on the Extreme Fortune previously it had 100 times the drop chance increase due to a bug. Drop increase went lower to the intended rate.
On the other hand we got several notes in this regard so we will consider making changes to improve the drop rate.

6 years 178 days ago
Same, i popped an extreme fortune and ran 5 missions on Murder Tarot card and got zero relic drops. Was doing full map clears.
6 years 178 days ago
Posted by ST 6 years 179 days ago
people not getting relics, are you trying different weapon drop cards? or always the same ones?
I've tried melee weapons (both one and 2 hand), armor, and most of the misc item cards. Haven't tried ranged weapon cards - they're too gimpy atm.
6 years 178 days ago
I like Relics in this game.

Rare drops actually feel... rare.

If you get drops that are not what you want they can be used to Fuse and raise the level of your favourite relic items to keep them relevant.

Also you need to ensure you fulfil the Mission Conditions.  Some of these things have a timer and that clock is tight.

Finally, if you're worried about getting a steady dose of Relics to keep feeling special... there tends to always be a Relic Item in the Priority Mission Completion Box and you can do a few of those each week.

6 years 179 days ago
I run heavy weapons,no deaths and spawning demons.As I said relic drops have been plentiful .One I particularly want,not so much.
6 years 179 days ago
people not getting relics, are you trying different weapon drop cards? or always the same ones?
6 years 179 days ago
Never used extreme fortune. I've filled a a whole tab with relics since the patch.Impossible averages 2 dropped and 4 in box. Maybe i've just been lucky,who knows?
6 years 179 days ago
Posted by InquisitorJake 6 years 180 days ago
Had tons of relics since the update. More than before by quite a margin. 
This is a lie. Relic drop rate has definitely been nerfed, especially in-game boss drops. You used to be able to get a relic per boss, now it's down to 1 relic dropped by 62 bosses over 14 tarot missions at impossible difficulty with extreme fortune (yes, I counted). Boss relic drop rate is effectively gone. You can still get relics from end-mission collection, if you're lucky.
6 years 180 days ago
Had tons of relics since the update. More than before by quite a margin. 
6 years 180 days ago
Please advise Neocore...our group is playing other games till this is resolved.
6 years 180 days ago
its even worse on
6 years 180 days ago
im playing on xbox one, got the new update, just did a tarot mission  with extreme fortune and hourglass...did not, I repeat did not get a single relic. I have 3 more extreme fortune missions and im afraid to run another one. don't know when ill be able to get another extreme fortune chest. all I can say is wow....just wow....unacceptable. oh well here I come rise of the tomb raider
6 years 180 days ago

What is the rationale for this? Diablo III minimized exp grind, gives a dozen Set/unique items per 2 minute speedrun, and people are addicted to this in order to build the perfect set with ideal rolls. Martyr is maximizing exp grind, nerfing drop rate, and people are leaving in droves.

Why do this? Why try to make your product fail on purpose instead of sticking to a tried and true formula for success for guaranteed profit? Is this done by disgruntled employees?

6 years 181 days ago
I have also been having this issue since the most recent patch. Before i had run 20 or more execution/hourglass/possession tarot missions (all using extreme fortunes), ALWAYS getting 1 relic per villain/red chest/execution target and usually 1 or more from the completion chest. 

However, after the recent patch (1.2.0),  I used another extreme fortunes and the first two tarot missions (using the same tarot combination above) had 0 relics from the execution targets (and villains I encountered), totaled up should have been 10 relics (1 chest and 1 of the villain psyker chaos space marines that splits into 3). The completion chest still seems to be working however (got 4 relics from the 2).

Checked out the patch notes, did not see any information regarding changes to the tarot and/or extreme fortune relic drop rates, so figured it may be a bug.

6 years 181 days ago
before this patch i ran the rifle drop card with hourglass and extreme fortunes, got three relics per mission. When i switched to the one-handed melee card I got zero relics both times i ran it. I then switched back to the rifle drop card, and boom, four relics. I'm wondering is the issue related to certain cards? 
6 years 181 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 6 years 182 days ago
We will check on the drop rate of the relics in Tarot missions! Thanks for reporting the case! 

I would like to smile, but it's impossible. I reported this Issue 2 Weeks ago without any Response by the "Staff":

As you can see, it's not a Problem related to the latest Patch, it's related to the previous one (Release of the Warzone and Drukhari Systems). IF you really will take a look on that, you should look at the right Spot. But, I don't beleave that something will change. Why? It already had happened, if someone had really cared about the Problems the Players reports here and on the Steam Community Hub. 

It's disappointing. Again and again and again and .... 

6 years 182 days ago
I will also support this issue being major on the PC.  My brother and I both have been using Extreme Fortunes and very low relic drops one had none at all, the rest of the drops have been blue and green only.  
6 years 182 days ago
We will check on the drop rate of the relics in Tarot missions! Thanks for reporting the case! 
6 years 183 days ago
If this isn't a bug the game will be ruined for me. Spent 900 fate points on tarot missions to get 1 relic that i wouldn't even use. I will not be grinding for hours and hours to get just a handful of random relics that have no use for my character build.
6 years 183 days ago

A friend and I have also been having this problem after the patch. I hope this gets fixed. Extreme fortunes were one of my favorite drops/store purchases.

6 years 183 days ago
Oh man, I really hope thats a bug and not a “feature”. Better farm relics on xbox while I can just in case.