Not Receiving Credit in Unholy Incursion


I did not have the game last year, so this is the first time I've attempted the event, but since the beginning of the Unholy Incursion on PC, I have received no credit for any missions done. I have also not seen any Scourge missions spawn. I see from old posts last year this was a complaint back then as well, though I would have hoped that a year later a special world event would have been patched. If the scourge mission spawn is just very rare, that is fine. But I would at least like credit for the normal missions I've done.

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Not Receiving Credit in Unholy Incursion
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5 years 363 days ago

The world event was accidentally implemented into the game, it was not intentional. Our apologize for the issue, we removed the event from our backend, it is not visible any longer.