Not fun anymore


14 grenades from a purple grenade launcher to kill off one of those big guys with tentacles and axe (can't even bother to remember the name of it). And before some millennial types "git good" I'm all decked out in purple, maxed dmg and arm. This was a lvl 1 Investigation mission enemy. You devs broke something with the last patch, before I used to do mission after mission now I get bored after just doing one. When the mission is loading I start to think of other games I could be playing and this is bad. Just adding more is not how you make the game interesting and fun. Let's take the cooldown on weapons. This is the only game that I can think of that allows you to have two loadouts but you are discouraged to switch between them. Some weapons are good at taking down squishy targets other armoured ones but are not bothered to switch weapons on the go since that will kill you when the weapon starts to cooldown abilities. Do the hamsters need to stretch before they start running in their little wheels or what? I know it is alpha but that excuse only goes so far. I am not known amongst my friends to be a stingy gamer, I play anything and everything, but this game can't keep my interest level up for more than a mission or two. Oh and another thing devs, 10% more dmg and 90% health is exactly the same thing. If I do 10% more dmg then the enemy have 10% less health after one hit and 100-10=90.....sooo just a reflection. 

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7 years 268 days ago

We have to balance a lot of things in the game. So this will change for sure - the covers health.

7 years 269 days ago

For me its simple if it is going in the direction of Diablo i will give the game i bought back. And if i cannot get a refund then i will present my account to someone that doesnt get boring of 100000hrs of boring diablo grind...

This game has to be a Tactical Shooter otherwise i am not interested anymore

7 years 269 days ago

You guys can say what you want, Lobotomite has a point! The cover is pretty much useless cause i am outnumberd 100/1 if i decide to hide behind cover it is shot down in 5 seconds / stormed from zig melees/ i get bombed out with grenades faster then i can dodge this crap! As long as covers have this low health and and keep you safe i dont need it. YEAH I NEED TO KITE WHEN I PLAY SNIPER, they push me back 1-2 rooms until i can kill enough to stay where i am.

7 years 270 days ago
Posted by Lobotomite 7 years 270 days ago

Being a game in alpha the devs explicitely encourage feedback. You don't agree with made feedback? Make your own point instead of discouraging other members of the community who gave theirs. Everyone knows it's an alpha.

People bought into The Founding because they can influence the game development with their feedback. OP does exactly that, and he's got a right to do so. Your insults are not productive, his feedback is.

It is a valid point that every single persons view is valid - But as the feedback system is currently a-la website it can't really be helped that views will be challenged and discussed. You are right though that people should be able to express a view without being attacked. Unfortunately every now and again passions run high and people say things that they might not mean and even come across as a little insulting. 

Hopefully a feedback system is integrated into the game, for those who want to put their words directly to the devs without discussion. But for now I think it's healthy if people challenge each other with these topics, if it leads to constructive discussion regarding points and not bad mannered flaming battles. 

7 years 270 days ago

Oh I can. That's why I called you out for yours. Over and out.

7 years 270 days ago

Your problem is that you cannot tell the difference between "feedback" and a totally unjustified "rant".

7 years 270 days ago

Being a game in alpha the devs explicitely encourage feedback. You don't agree with made feedback? Make your own point instead of discouraging other members of the community who gave theirs. Everyone knows it's an alpha.

People bought into The Founding because they can influence the game development with their feedback. OP does exactly that, and he's got a right to do so. Your insults are not productive, his feedback is.

7 years 270 days ago

This is an alpha test, not a completed game. If testing is not "fun" for you, then simply wait for the finished version to be released, instead of crying on the forums.

Oh, and saying this game is in "alpha" is not an excuse as you put it. What it is, is a simple statement of fact, or even a warning if you will, which you either ignored or passed over. Having "fun" during testing is all well and good, but it is secondary to the purpose of testing, which is to make the final product "fun". 

Sounds like another case of "cart before the horse" to me.

7 years 270 days ago

Each weapon has their specific use, which is one of the aspects I like about the game so far; your off weapon matters. For those particular guys in question, bullet based guns are so much more effective. I too use a grenade launcher, but also carry either an autogun/bolter or dual wield pistol equivalent for guys like the tentacle mutants or the chaos space marines. It's actually a good part of the game.

Having a cooldown on the weapon switch is just kind of a normal function of a lot of these types of games, and keeps the game from becoming a "run into the middle of the room, spam click and move on." I am both a Diablo fan and a huge Warhammer fan, and this game so far is a very good blend of Diablo-esque dungeon crawler with tactical decision making you expect from a Warhammer game. If you don't like it, then honestly you may have more fun with a game such as Diablo 3.

7 years 270 days ago

I think if you listened to any of their interviews and gameplay talk-through you would realise they have stated repeatedly they wanted to go for a slower paced and strategic style of combat which better suits the warhammer universe. They specifically want to move away from the button mashing, split second teleporting, terminator back-flipping style of most other games. 

ARPG is also not really = to saying "like diablo in every way" - Really ARPG is a collection of about 10 sub genres. Diablo is one eg that went for a "action" orientated and fast paced combat style. Their choice to label is as an ARPG is still accurate because the game is based on combat rather than roleplay, therefore making it an ARPG and not an RPG. 

7 years 270 days ago

(further adding to that, even at power lvl 2/2 all content below co-op PL4 tarots seem pretty trivial at this point to me and most of us hydras, hit one of us up if you want to talk about ya build, im sure any of us would be happy to give ya pointers. furthermore hydra makes guide videos if ya wanna check those out)

7 years 270 days ago

full purple is not auto good. full power lvl 4 purple with build focused stats (ie knockdown damage and flat ranged damage ect) however is. need more info my dude ^^

7 years 270 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 7 years 271 days ago

Re guns - Purple doesn't guarantee high damage as numbers are random

Re cooldowns - I think the devs didn't want to go for a  GW2 style "shoot/swap/shoot shoot/swap shoot swap" style of combat which would really detract from the value and playstyle of a tactical shooter and turn it into an action / diablo ish game instead.

Re number - 10% damage is better as enemies heal, but yeah they are pretty darn similar

Also I can't fathom how you weren't bored before but are bored now? We have more to do, its more of a challenge and there is more variety in what we do? Is it purely the fact you find it difficult that makes it boring?

Diablo is an Action-RPG. This game is sold as Action-RPG. So when you want a tactical shooter: why are you satisfied with what you get since this right here is nowhere near a tactical shooter? And when it is sold as ARPG it should play like an ARPG.

7 years 270 days ago

Enemy health is based on the number of players in the game. As for why there isn't special co op content (at the moment at least) i'd presume it's because it's an arpg which has a high portion of lone wolf solo players and making co op content would be like sticking a middle finger up to a large portion of arpg fans. 

7 years 270 days ago

Let's play "Kiting Stuff 40K". Good we have a cover system so the enemy has cover. Because when the player needs cover, he's outnumbered ten to one and the enemy shreds same cover in such a short time it's better to keep running away, errm, "kiting". As soon as you hit T2 missions your supression becomes irrelevant since enemy fire drains HP so fast that the suppression stays in green level when you hit zero. The only solution currently is using the most unbalanced special item, the almighty "Void Shield". Suddenly you can even play melee. But the game is also no challenge anymore and so it's also no fun anymore. Way too much mobs, way to crowded mobs. You usually can't advance in fear of aggroing new stuff. Beware summoners combined with Warp Portals. Artificial cover system which does not allow cover at doorways. Overall questionable design choices.

Also, coop. Why are there no special coop missions or mobs get a buff which depends on the number of party members?
7 years 270 days ago

+10% damage and -10% HP are not the same. Example; your weapon does 100 damage, weapon perk make you do 10 more hit points ; enemy has 10,000 HP, debuff = -1000 HP. The +damage will most likely let you kill trash faster and the -health will be more effective against bosses.

7 years 271 days ago

Re guns - Purple doesn't guarantee high damage as numbers are random

Re cooldowns - I think the devs didn't want to go for a  GW2 style "shoot/swap/shoot shoot/swap shoot swap" style of combat which would really detract from the value and playstyle of a tactical shooter and turn it into an action / diablo ish game instead.

Re number - 10% damage is better as enemies heal, but yeah they are pretty darn similar

Also I can't fathom how you weren't bored before but are bored now? We have more to do, its more of a challenge and there is more variety in what we do? Is it purely the fact you find it difficult that makes it boring?