non-season inquisitors glory/rewards bug


for me, happening only for non season of the flame inquisitors, tried several of them. normal characters wont get final rewards, glory, etc... i just want my 400 glory for fate so i can focus rest of free time on season :D (cause i cant find when will it end...) (and playing for fun ^^)

as for priority assignment, it gets stuck on final mission of the series, that gets repeated a lot ( i got to around 20 before giving up). pls help

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non-season inquisitors glory/rewards bug
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4 years 232 days ago
i hope the issue gets resolved this week :)
4 years 232 days ago
ok, and the missed glory/fate/challenges? lost forever?
4 years 232 days ago

We are currently investigating the problem, trying to reproduce the issue on our end. Any problem we find will get fixed and will be included in the next patch! Thank you for the detailed reports!

4 years 232 days ago

Yes  +1      NO MORE FATE

4 years 234 days ago

cant edit now :D so adding it here. dont know for sure if the challenges rewards went into void or not, but i think so, the fate is same as at the start of week if my notes are not messed up, but as i said, dont care for it now, the glory thingy is an issue tho :(

tried running a fast mission with assassin, same difference, glory not given, glory page stuck, etc... :( 

season character so far works fine

4 years 234 days ago

ok, so. just now, logged into my main immortal_crusader.exe (so much fun to be a tank), clicked mission deployment, selected hunt map (dc 70), set cards for max glory (114), went to rush the "bosses" and slice them up into bite sized pieces. map took few minutes, i even waited for rewards to finish ticking before ending. back on bridge, not a single unit of glory, nor fate, influence already maxed out, dont care for it now :). items droped from map saved, but no glory, no other reward. 

i can leave behind the 3 challenges i completed during the week ( 25fate + box each :(... /sad ) and the few units from missions, but those 150fate for 4 fast missions i can not :D. (what if you decide to add something juicy for a lot of fate?) 

i dont know why it happend now, last week worked fine iirc. if it helps, opening glory window shows 0/800, week 109 and time left 23:59 every time i log in...

This comment was edited 4 years 234 days ago by Iks
4 years 235 days ago
We have run 4 missions in a row with your Crusader but all glory, influence and Fate points were received. We would like to find this bug so in case you can provide later any further information about this we would be grateful.

The Priority assignment issue will get fixed by our developers, thank you for the details!

4 years 235 days ago
acc: Atrei. 

as for priority assignments: now i cannot even start one, "drukhari raid" on one inquisitor, but i cannot go to a mission, stuck on a "pick starting action". tried on different inquisitor, it was "possible major cult", same thing, stuck on picking action. 

for normal map: tried fast run (hunt) for measly 10 glory (no tarots): nada, didnt get anything as a final reward


4 years 236 days ago
Would you tell me your account name? We would run some tests with your character as we haven't found any similar issue with normal characters.

About the 2nd issue: could you please launch the Priority assignment one last time and tell us the name of the map? /mapinfo in chat reveals the name. Thank you in advance.