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- noitseuqc ssalc rotisiunI
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noitseuqc ssalc rotisiunI
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7 years 362 days ago
At the moment as far as I see only male Crusader is available and although I hate you automatically for actually bringing gender issues into a w40k game, lore wise, there shouldn't be any reason for women not to be psykers or inquisitors...
7 years 362 days ago
The Corgissar
Which is why i ask, i cant play RPGs that wont let me be the gender i wish, and i would love to have a female inquisitor in power armour like i can on the tabletop.
7 years 362 days ago
Posted by
The Corgissar
7 years 362 days ago
At the moment as far as I see only male Crusader is available and although I hate you automatically for actually bringing gender issues into a w40k game, lore wise, there shouldn't be any reason for women not to be psykers or inquisitors...
Just to add to this there is actually a female Inquisitor in Dawn of War 2 - Retribution, so yes they are a thing. It would definetly be a good thing if they allow a male or female choice but we got to remember this is Alpha and the devs may have already planned this but may release it a bit later down the track before full release.
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