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Good afternoon. problem with stackable items, namely "Void plunder keys, uther's tarot, and scrap metal for servitor upgrades. tarot cards are he most critical because I cannot close the grandmaster stage of the season. Sorry for my england, its no my language.

Screen of end mission.

Screen of ship inventory

I have lost all accumulated items of tarot cards, keys, seals.

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3 years 24 days ago

Good afternoon! Installed the game again, checked the problem is not solved. More than a month has passed since my appeal, I did not see any changes other than resetting my skills. The keys will never be saved.

3 years 39 days ago
I forwarded the issue to our developers who will look into the matter as soon as they will have some freetime. This will take a week or two I think but until then I compensated all your losses. 
3 years 42 days ago

Checked, no change. The problem is still relevant. Passed the mission fragments of void campaigns, Uther's tarot and techno-frames disappear after the mission.

3 years 48 days ago
I ran a couple of missions with your Tech-Adept character. His loot (namely Cortex Fragments and 5 pieces of Crimson Void Shards) were reserved even after I left the mission. Is this still an issue on your end? Do these items from the special inventory vanish regularly? 
3 years 52 days ago

good day! Account name "AlexN7" season character name "Траксис" (RUS). I'm using the steam client(Alex|Hitman).

3 years 52 days ago
Please provide us your account name and the bugged character's name. We will borrow it and test the issue in question.
3 years 53 days ago

I don't know if anyone will read this. I determined that the problem only occurs with the seasonal character, the regular assassin and crusader characters have no problems. I assume that your seasonal characters are on a separate server and my seasonal character is "blocked" there. Because so that I don’t make accumulative items keys, tarot cards, shards and others during the mission increases, and after it, when synchronization with the global inventory occurs on a separate server, the changes will not be recorded (_for an unknown reason - lack of access rights / blocking / lack of access network/response timeout/signature mismatch) and remains unchanged (as before the mission). For you to understand, I closed the crusade on hardcore, and techno-fragments in the amount of 5512 have not changed.

3 years 53 days ago

It's sad that no one solves the problems of a generally good game.