No more double resources from salvaging?


So I'm on PS4. Last week I was getting double resources for every salvaged item vs what the preview was showing to expect. Is that a hidden bonus for something like finishing several crusades? Or was I just lucky and it bugged for me or something? I'm back to getting what the salvage preview shows... 

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No more double resources from salvaging?
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5 years 110 days ago

The weekly events will make their way to PS4 as well in the near future. This happens after the release of Prophecy though.:) Yes, it was something similar than you assumed.:)

5 years 111 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 111 days ago

It was not intentional from our part but after the introduction of the weekly events on PS4 as well you will find something similar in a given week:)

Cool :) So the weekly event thing from PC somehow spilled into PS4 on that week? And will officially come once that patch is published for consoles? Or are we getting that on consoles due to some backend bug together with the PC now, even though it's not yet officially implemented? I was lucky indeed B) 

This comment was edited 5 years 111 days ago by Daedrael
5 years 111 days ago

It was not intentional from our part but after the introduction of the weekly events on PS4 as well you will find something similar in a given week:)