No Glory in achieving Glory


For the second week in a row I have received no Glory rewards for gaining over 500 Glory. The first week was max Glory. The second week was 550 Glory.

It seems the glitch is reproduced by logging in or being logged in when the Glory changes for the week and before the Glory rewards come out on Monday. 

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No Glory in achieving Glory
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7 years 195 days ago

What! The God Emperor makes no just found me

7 years 195 days ago

On a tangentially connected note, after reaching rank 50 and power level 1400, almost every mission is grey to me in this sector, and only gives 5 glory. This is possibly intentional, but it highlights an issue where ones you are powerful and, ahem, glorious, getting glory becomes so much harder.

7 years 195 days ago
Yep, that was a mishap on our end, sorry. Everyone will get their stuff soon.