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- No adeptas sororitas?
No adeptas sororitas?
Warhammer 40K FeedbackDosent the inquisition use the adeptas sororitas? A female crusader class or an actual sister of battle class with their power armor would be really cool!
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Add different campaign and order ability (xeno, hereticus, malleus)....
....And Deathwatch squads ----->space marine
Totally agree, the best thing about Neocore having made a game about the inquisition is that "Inquisitors have the right to call on the services of any citizen or servant of the Emperor." you have the option without offending the loremasters of putting ANY servant of the emperor in this game, personally i would love to see an Ogryn, that would be stupidly cool being able to play as something so big and the potential weapons he could use. Also maybe Catachan jungle fighters, Cadian shock troopers, i definitely like someone else's suggestion on this thread of a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus, either a tech priest or a Skitarii. So many games have come out where it's either JUST Space Marines or the biggest focus is on Space Marines, being able to play as some of the other types of characters in the vast imperium would be fantastic.
Totally agree, the best thing about Neocore having made a game about the inquisition is that "Inquisitors have the right to call on the services of any citizen or servant of the Emperor." you have the option without offending the loremasters of putting ANY servant of the emperor in this game, personally i would love to see an Ogryn, that would be stupidly cool being able to play as something so big and the potential weapons he could use. Also maybe Catachan jungle fighters, Cadian shock troopers, i definitely like someone else's suggestion on this thread of a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus, either a tech priest or a Skitarii. So many games have come out where it's either JUST Space Marines or the biggest focus is on Space Marines, being able to play as some of the other types of characters in the vast imperium would be fantastic.
I think we could settle on having available both genders for all classes (an independent battle sister would be pretty much a female crusader), and further down the line consider adding new classes.
As for space marines, i think the crusader scratches that itch (big armor, big guns) without having a giant super-man breezing through the game.
Personally I would like adeptus mechanicus characters, using crazy implants as most of the equipment.
I think to recall there was a lesser Ordo of the inquisition (Ordo Machinum I think?) that usually deals with tech-heresy and xenos tech; it wouldn't be a bad fit for this game's story.
As far as a space marine character, i think it could work if u aquired a grey knight in ur retinue and there were specific missions where u control him. U cld take on odds a mortal couldnt handle. Like fighting loads of chaos marines.
I think we could settle on having available both genders for all classes (an independent battle sister would be pretty much a female crusader), and further down the line consider adding new classes.
As for space marines, i think the crusader scratches that itch (big armor, big guns) without having a giant super-man breezing through the game.
Personally I would like adeptus mechanicus characters, using crazy implants as most of the equipment.
I think to recall there was a lesser Ordo of the inquisition (Ordo Machinum I think?) that usually deals with tech-heresy and xenos tech; it wouldn't be a bad fit for this game's story.
I dont think there is any examples of astartes becoming inquisitors. Besides grey knights but thats different. A couple inquisitors are suspected of being astartes but never confirmed. Itd be cool, being all giant n stuff. Nothing would stop a space marine from becoming an inquisitor either.
An adeptus sororitas dosent get the extra organs a space marine gets so they are the size of a normal woman. Idk how difficult scaling everything to a space marines size would be?
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