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This is the place where you can read little updates from the devs. We will update this topic if we have something new to share.
Important: Please note that - this is not a full list of in-progress fixes, improvements.
- A dedicated server update is now live. It reduces server CPU load by a great deal, hopefully improving multiplayer experience during peak hours.
- Players reported that they get "Reconnecting..." when they try to play co-op - known issue and will be fixed as soon as possible.
- Co-op is fixed, a new dedicated server is up.
- Steam beta was just updated and it's gonna be once more tonight, so we can test it more extensively.
- It's showing good progress as of now, things are improving on the inside.
- We have to balance the assassin a bit more though.
- Update is under testing atm, steam beta within 1-2 days
- Release is gonna be this week unless we encounter a gamebreaking crash, bug etc, that takes long to fix
- Assassin
- New maps with improved monster aggro system and setup, etc
- New map types
- Cabal system's basics
- Buttload of fixes
- New effects, visuals etc
- More music
- Streamlined loading (game will be buffered during travel animations etc)
- Regular weekly livestream sessions after the update
This post was
7 years 250 days ago by
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