New unit types revealed within stream (showcase vid)


Looking forward to the lore buffs correcting me on a few things :D

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New unit types revealed within stream (showcase vid)
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7 years 241 days ago

Thank you for your time to make this!

I never had any doubts that NeoCore graphics will be absolutely top-tier and can hardly wait to see those close-ups on killing (announced before)!

7 years 240 days ago

Their in-engine stuff does look amazing. Makes me wonder if eventually we will see an "ultra" setting for graphics. Once it's more optimised.

7 years 240 days ago

Love the fact that they are adding contemptor dreadnoughts, although it seems quite wierd they look like the same standard they did in 30k and not corrupted in any way.

7 years 240 days ago
Posted by Smorcest 7 years 240 days ago

Love the fact that they are adding contemptor dreadnoughts, although it seems quite wierd they look like the same standard they did in 30k and not corrupted in any way.

They just wanted to look good for the photo session and went to a beautician...