New Gun turrets bug


I have found that if you stop the 3 guys building the big turret that it still considers the turret an enemy but you can't kill it, so you can't complete a purge mission where you stop it coming online.

Any chance of a fix?


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New Gun turrets bug
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7 years 201 days ago

I too have encountered this bug, it is quite frustrating.

7 years 201 days ago

Is there a chance for a fix ? Gee, let me think now...are we testing an alpha version of the game to help find bugs for the Devs to fix or, is this abandonware we are all playing for the hell of it ? Hmmm ?

7 years 201 days ago

Wow, is there a need for the hostility CTIGER? Why bother posting at all if you have nothing constructive too say?

Just wondered if this could get fixed asap as its an annoying bug.

7 years 201 days ago
Posted by ctiger 7 years 201 days ago

Is there a chance for a fix ? Gee, let me think now...are we testing an alpha version of the game to help find bugs for the Devs to fix or, is this abandonware we are all playing for the hell of it ? Hmmm ?

Weeeell, there's a fix, and there's a hotfix. Given OP's text, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "hoping for a hotfix", which makes your post needlessly snarky.

Personally I'm waiting for this bug to be fixed, and now two hotfixes later also hoping they'll fix investigations so I can actually do those again, instead of having to take fresh starting characters against daemon engines, because that ain't fun.

7 years 198 days ago
Added to our notes! Thank you for the report!