New Difficulty Increasing Emperion Seals


The biggest annoyance for endgame (once you hit level 100) is that we cannot play star map missions or intels above level 98 and level 103 respectively. Youa re forced to play void missions for higher difficulty missions and doing priority missions and scaling that difficulty is also frustrating. Sometimes, youw ant to go try youyr hand at specific missions at +8 or +10 mission difficulty or higher.  There are a lot of people who want to push the bounds of the game but it simply isn't available to us.

Star Map missions could easily go to level 100 with the current 70, 80 and 90 tarot cards still applying because they add different positives and negatives already, but it would give us all missions up to and includoing level 100 so when you are level 100 you aren'tf orced to do missions below your level to farm for intels to do missions only slightly above your level and still relativelye asy for the most part.


Introduce 2 new Emperion Seals.

1st Seal - Adds +4 Mission Difficulty to the mission selected.

2nd Seal - Adds +8 Mission Difficulty to the mission selected.

Why +4 and +8? +4 means a level 100 intel can be a level 104 and this allows the daily challenges or ancient archeotech items requiring a +4 mission series to be completed to be readily accessible across all characters and missions.

The +8 means that you are able to, with the current star map, make missions go up to 106 difficulty which is a +6 difficulty7 for a level 100 character which is a relatively challenging difficulty without being over the top, but off of a max level intel which is currently 103 (or +3 difficulty), allow for a total of +11 mission difficulty with an intel mission range of 108 to 111.

There is space in the Emperion Seals section of the interface for extra seals, and this would be a great way of allowing for variation in gameplay difficulty at all levels of gameplay whilsts olving the issues that endgame players face constantly, inlcuyding co-oop ghamers where the difficulyty just isn't strong enough once you get a strong build happening. Items don't need nerfing, just give us a means, such as this, to scale the difficulty ourselves when we choose to.

But how to get these Seals?

Have them available as random drops in all missions but also available to buy from the Ordos Malleus Vendor from level 3 Ordos.

The Malleus Vendor is all but ignored once you have the psalm codes and shards you want and is considered by most endgame players as trash and not worth even looking at compared with Hereticus and Xenos. Adding in these seals here would make the malleus Vendor relevant again at all levels of gameplay. Buyt make the seals able to be dropped during missions as well, because limiting the seals to 6 or so a day like others eals in the malleus is a kick in the teeth of people who are desperate for this sort of difficulty manipulation, who also spend hours each day playing this great game.

Possible Rewards Associated with the seals?

As above the Seals would increase the difficulty by +4 or +8 respecytively. To make these even more relevant towards engame, maybe make the +4 mission have a higher chance for a relic item to drop as end of missionr ewards and the +8 seal to have a hoigher chance of an archeotech relic drop at the end of the mission. They don't need to be guaranteed drops, but the items over tehc rafting materials give people ranbdomn items that may be useful and if not they have that option built in to salvage the item for parts, again, addressinga need for extra high end crafting materials.

I currently have 129 hours in Prophecy all from this Season, but also 548 hours into Martyr from Legacy through to current, for a combined total of 677 hours of gameplay. Most of that has been on Crusaders (so I have plenty of gameplay still to explore!), so I'm not just putting this out there without any basis to play off of. There are people who will post up that it's easy to get materials when youc an run hunt missions at 1 a minute and good for them, Crusaders simply aren't that fast and not everyone wants to play Path ofExile/Diablo 3 stryle of gameplay,w e're here because we get to think a lot more in how we beat missions not just point and click win. You aer constantly low on rarer resources at endgame. My non season character has over 5000 ancient mechnisms, 0 relic materials and 1 archeotech relic material. I have bought all 3 caches from the Hereticus Vendor daily for almost 3 months straight and am constantly out of these and running valorous heart on repeat is so damn boring, I, and many other people, would love otehr ways to farm tehse materials/items but also at higher difficulties. I love the idea of being able to run level 110 or 111 intels with my characters, it's teh levelw here you can push your gameplay to the top end buty wer can't do it currently so hence the 2 seal suggestion above.



Khorne On the Cob/Auretious Taak.

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New Difficulty Increasing Emperion Seals
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4 years 219 days ago
I have been asking for a difficulty dropdown forever now...
4 years 219 days ago
Good idea to have something like that,. if you have a strong character it's a pain in void crusade to plow though a bunch of faceroll missions to get to something higher level. But like you say you would need to be able to get a significant number of them.

 Alternative suggestion, change the 70/80/90 tarot to "set to player level" / "set to +4" / "set to +8"? With the current bonus of "chance of duplicate item" or "increased chance of relic" the same.