New charecters


Morning all.

Just wanted to ask something.

Are there any plans on introducing more playable characters?

The reason I ask is that (and this isn't meant to sound like I'm having a pop) is because I haven't played Martyr for quiet a long time now and personally the only reason i'd even consider coming back is with the addition of at least 2 more people to play with as 3 (IMO) isn't near enough.

The choices are there, maybe Arbities and some sort of healer/priest or some sort of Vet guardsmen that's been sequestered to the Inquisition and maybe a flagellant type person.

The thing is with this game is that its got so much potential and such a MASSIVE well of inspiration to draw from seeing as 40 has been round since the early 80's.

I really want to see this game come back from the graveyard as I LOVE the 40k universe and I'd really like some sort of reason to come back and take up  purging the unclean.

But as it stands there's nothing that's intrigued me as of late even with the new dlc's you've released.

Please Necocore, just give me a reason to come back.

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New charecters
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6 years 37 days ago
This comment was deleted 6 years 37 days ago by Marcopolocs
6 years 51 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 6 years 51 days ago
Given some time I can´t see why they shouldn´t introduce new playable Characters. There are tons of  different classes and races working within the Inquisition.
I have never seen any race but humans as Inquisitors.If I were you , I would suppress such heresy in the future. Sure there might be many more Inq archetypes but the 3 sub-classes per class pretty much cover any aspect of them. I just don't see how they can add anything more without compromising the lore.
6 years 51 days ago
Given some time I can´t see why they shouldn´t introduce new playable Characters. There are tons of  different classes and races working within the Inquisition.
6 years 53 days ago
They have pretty much covered any aspect withing lore that they can with the game. I wouldnt mind seeing more armor and weapon designs though. 
6 years 53 days ago


in our short-term plans the introduction of new characters won't happen but this MAY will be a thing in the future.
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