Nerf Grenade launcher marines


The space marines with grenade launchers either need a nerf or they need to never spawn in the same room with each other. I've run into pairs of them twice and both times I went straight from no deaths to failing the mission. I consider everything else in the game way too easy for the record. But when you have two grenade launcher marines in the same place it's basically an automatic death because they take turns shooting you and you're crowd controlled almost 100% of the time. You can't fight them and you can't run away.

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Nerf Grenade launcher marines
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7 years 308 days ago
The fights were designed to be a lot more challenging, but indeed it could be that sometimes these enemies hit too hard. I have added your suggestion to our feedback section.
7 years 309 days ago

They can be a right pain, unlike almost all other opponents they can not be steamrolled. You need to take out any little minions, then kite them basically. I have had a number of deaths were I could not stand back up and run away after. Spamming jump pack was the only way to get out of the cycle. I now have better sentinel armour and the turret helps with a distraction.

7 years 309 days ago

I would like to see some game footage of people having this problem. Purely because I find them annoying but not the point where they are unbeatable. I wonder if its also influenced by equipment or play-style choices. 

7 years 309 days ago

What weapons are you running with? I run with a 2h hammer and 2 bolt pistols and I've not encountered anything that I would call difficult. My guys is only 20lvl R 6, so maybe you're encountering something farther along the way? Try getting a couple of pistols for weapon swap and going in with the sentry gun armor. Then, it's just a question of dropping sentry guns and running away/ in circles. If you want to use the a melee weapon, use a 2 hander and  jump armor, just jump in on them, stun, smack them around, jump out, run around until jump recharges, jump back on them repeat until dead. If close in isn't your thing, have you tried doing some aimed shots with a las rifle? How about dropping a bunch of plasma cannon mortar rounds on their head. It's really hard to help if I don't know what weapons, armor, and skillset you're using. I will try to help more if you can be specific about your setup.

7 years 310 days ago
Posted by akmal bafoev 7 years 310 days ago

any SM dies after 3-4 shots from Omnissiah blessed gravigun

First of all, good luck taking 3 to 4 shots. Secondly, even with a purple gravgun it takes more than 3 to 4 shots. Finally, even if gravguns were the solution a gravgun shouldn't be mandatory to stand a chance.

This comment was edited 7 years 310 days ago by Bitskrieg
7 years 310 days ago

any SM dies after 3-4 shots from Omnissiah blessed gravigun