Neocore needs to do a FFXIV and unlaunch.


Here's a list of the bugs I've had today alone.

1. Invisible enemies showing up as floating guns.

2. Abstract sculpture looking weird twisted up model of something getting stuck to my character.

3. Learning a recipe gives 50% chance of game crashing.

4. When learning a recipe does work, the recipe stays in inventory until you close and reopen the inventory.

5. Multiple freezes.

6. Died because I was spamming the button like crazy, but my character wouldn't shoot at anything.

7. No audio during cutscenes.

8. Demolition armor ability occasionally shoots the floor adjacent to you in a random direction instead of the target.

9. Teleporter that teleports you to a room that you instantly rubber band back out of and land standing against the nearest wall in your origin room, making the room on the other end of the teleporter impossible to enter.

10. Invincible skull that when you try to shoot it you just run up and stand next to it doing nothing. Same result from any positioning.

11. When starting the game either my character is running or the camera is spinning. Controls don't respond until I open and close the menu.

This post was edited 6 years 277 days ago by Bitskrieg
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Neocore needs to do a FFXIV and unlaunch.
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6 years 276 days ago

I've played the game for 8 hours, and I recognize a couple of those bugs.

The bugs on your list I recognize are:

  • Invisible enemies (floating armor/weapons)
  • Stretched NPC models
  • Missing dialogue audio
  • Rubberbanding

Additional bugs:

  • Equipping gear bought at the vendor sometimes duplicates the item
  • Selling the duplicate also removes the original from your character

Then there are the performance issues whenever there are explosions and such going off. And a lot of the subtitles don't match up to the dialogue audio. Some of the subtitles and dialogue audio cues aren't properly lined up with scene transitions, either.

I really want this game to succeed, because my life needs a sci-fi ARPG in it, and a Warhammer 40,000 ARPG is just perfect. Right now, though, I don't feel like playing, because my experience is being ruined by bugs, glitches, and performance issues that should have been sorted out before release.

Having dialogues and cutscenes cut short because of weird trigger placements, overlapping dialogue, invisible enemies, rubberbanding in and out of rooms, and seeing freakishly distorted enemies that cover the entire screen just breaks all immersion.

6 years 276 days ago

Never had any of these issues.  Only thing thats  bugging me  right now  is camera angles  and NPGC shooting through walls  like doorways when you can't return fire on them

6 years 277 days ago
I haven't had any of these bugs, which questions me what the settings and PC setup you have. In addition, run it as borderless fullscreen, with FPS cap either via ingame or nVidia Inspector or AMD (if they have such a tool).
6 years 277 days ago

bah, your hyperbole is ignore-able. It is fine to list off issues which are good for developers to know about. Alas your tone just ruins it. At least we could play on the first night. Several AAA games I played in the past had releases that you couldn't even do that. If it is so bad that you think it needs to be un-launched, go away. Thank you for the list of things the devs can look at.

6 years 277 days ago
look that raging guy again ^^ lold at the "was 2 missions invincible" - yeah i know you did not do story mode i am sure ;) 

delicious rage njom njom njom. not saying the game is bugfree but the worse game ever? lol. maybe dont play on a potatoe setup. njom njom njom

6 years 277 days ago
Posted by Affenasmo 6 years 277 days ago


No Global Chat function

Mainstory-line......cmon...are you kidding me....5 Chapters and 3 Missions.....with Hell of a Cliffhanger...and now  ????

Been invincible 2 Missions....dunno why

Could spam Tarantula Turrets infinite until game crashed....

This in one of the worst published/finished Game ever.,.......I know GW Licenses are expensive as fuck...but you had your time...and why not wait......

The Console Release will be a desaster......

One of the worst published games ever? Come on. It's not even close to that. Does no one remember the disaster that was Arkahm Knight on PC? They pulled that game from even being sold because it was so poor. Inquisitor: Martyr is a bit rough around the edges (what game isn't at launch? Games with five times the budget of this have issues just as bad if not more severe. Let's not forget the fiasco that happened at Diablo III's launch shall we?) but it's nowhere near the worst published game ever. 

Hyperbole doesn't work here at all. Game hasn't even been out in full launch a standard week yet. Everyone needs to put their pitchforks down and just relax. The game is playable and more importantly fun. 

6 years 277 days ago
Of the list of issues you've had, I've only experienced number 4 in the current build at Rank 17, and I've put some heavy hours in. Any chance your Steam updates or GPU drivers aren't up to date? A lot of the others I've experienced in the Alpha state ( 1,2,7,8 and 10) but not for some time.
6 years 277 days ago
Don't forget that multiplayer doesn't work at all, and everytime the servers go down, there's no way to even play the single-player game!
6 years 277 days ago


No Global Chat function

Mainstory-line......cmon...are you kidding me....5 Chapters and 3 Missions.....with Hell of a Cliffhanger...and now  ????

Been invincible 2 Missions....dunno why

Could spam Tarantula Turrets infinite until game crashed....

This in one of the worst published/finished Game ever.,.......I know GW Licenses are expensive as fuck...but you had your time...and why not wait......

The Console Release will be a desaster......