Nearing Perfection achievement glitched?


As you can see in the screenshot I got to wave 43 and the "Nearing Perfection" achievement is still locked (which asks you to reach wave 30). Now, that is not the only map i reached more than 30 waves so I do not know what to do. I did it with my 100 lvl sorceress. Gamertag on Xbox: Mantelis92. Thanks for your help!

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Nearing Perfection achievement glitched?
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7 years 237 days ago

Hi! Sorry for the late answer. So we investigated the problem, but unfortunately everything seems fine with this achievement, a lot of people unlocked it. Maybe there was some kind of error at the Xbox Live system when you reached the 30. wave and the Live system didn't get the information from the game to unlock the achievement and something is stucked. So we made some improvements in the code and we set the game to send the unlock information to the Live system repeatedly every new wave after you reached the 30th (and not just when you reach the 30th).

The next Deathtrap update coming soon with a big-big surprise ;) and we hope that will fix your problem too.


This comment was moderated 7 years 236 days ago by Morzan