[FIXED] My main campaign mission is gone PS4


UPDATE: I have uninstalled the game and installed it again and now I can see the main campaign missions (the game kept all my previous items and money but I had to do the 3rd mission again and finally worked without problems).

I have a problem on my second visit on the "Martyr" (3rd mission in finding Klosterheim), I finished the mission but instead of teleporting me on the bridge I remain in the level (I can't see my character, but I can rotate/pan the camera) after 15-20 seconds I'm teleported back to bridge but without visiting the mission end report and loot and my main campaign mission is gone :( wtf. Can't progress any further.

I need help.

This post was edited 6 years 206 days ago by mikutzu
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[FIXED] My main campaign mission is gone PS4
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6 years 204 days ago
Xbox One X

GT: Caur

Character: Cauren

Had something very similar last night Sept 4 around 7ish pm. I can't remember the mission but upon completion and extracting, my character hung for a few seconds then teleported to the command bridge. When speaking with the Astropath, I received a message that I already had rewards. After about 15 seconds after that, the rewards box for completing the mission popped up while I was on the command bridge instead of at the end of the mission which is the normal behaviour. In my case the mission did complete but it was the same behavior as others have posted here.

6 years 204 days ago

Another fix just finished - does the campaign block still persist?

6 years 205 days ago
I have exactly same situation on the Saving Caius Thorn mission. PSN & character name: fixedspring
6 years 205 days ago

Hello Aimbot,

I have the same problem that I can't prolong with my quest. In my case it is the one where I have to get back the Log (Logbuch) from the Captain Wryn. 

I'm playing this awesome game on my ps4.

My PSN ID is "paradoxor" 

and the Character name is also "paradoxor" it is a psyker. 

Thanks in advance. 


This comment was edited 6 years 205 days ago by paradoxor
6 years 205 days ago

Could you fix the problem in the end? If yes please tell me how :) 

6 years 206 days ago
Update on this bug. I have uninstalled the game and installed it again and now I can see the main campaign missions (the game kept all my previous items and money but I had to do the 3rd mission again and finally worked without problems).

I can play this game again ;)

6 years 206 days ago

I had the same issue, different mission.

GT: verticalcarcass, CN: tarsus

This comment was edited 6 years 206 days ago by Oderant
6 years 206 days ago

Thanks for the post, can I get a PSN / Gamertag and a Character name? We'll run a script that fixes this globally but it'd be good to know anyways.

6 years 207 days ago
Same thing happened to me after finding the magos biologis on my second planet.  Completed the mission, did the  cutscene, he teleports out, I exit and it freezes up. Eventually I'm on the ship deck but no magos, no awards, no progression. I've done numerous missions, travel out and back, shutdown restarts, etc.  Can't progress. PS4.