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- My L70 chars can no longer start warzone missions
My L70 chars can no longer start warzone missions
Warhammer 40K Support Area
6 years 184 days ago
replied 6 years 184 days ago
I've got a L70 PL2000 molten beam Psyker. Today I played a Stage 2 and a Final Stage WZ and failed them both, as I was experimented with something. Now I can't play any WZ, not even Stage 1. "Start" appear active but when I click on it nothing happens.
I also have a L70 melee crusader which I originally used to complete all the warzones. I can no longer start any warzone missions with the crusader. Even though all stages of the warzones are open, I can't start any warzone missions with either character.
My ingame name is Anscarius
Thanks for any help.
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They are pretty responsive and work fast on those kind of problems