My impression and suggestions for the game


Lets make things clear: i love the game so far, and got addicted from the start, even it being in alpha. So the following comments are not rants, but rather constructive criticism. Also i will not talk about item balance, since i know you are on it already.


I think the feel of being an inquisitor is off. first, i dont think the assassin class should not look like an assassin. More frail and more agile, sure. But not with the armors of the Officio Assassinorum. Maybe some adaptations, but it currently feels too much like i am playing an assassin than an inquisitor. The adrenaline mechanic works, making the assassin feel different from the Crusader, but the look feels 'out of context'.

Tou are more than an assassin, you are an inquisitor.


I find that the weapon selections are kind of meh for an inquisitor. Why would an inquisitor, wielding the power to annihilate whole planets, wield a lasgun/autogun? Maybe at low level, but they should be totally outclassed the further up you go. Maybe it gives 2 less options, but it could be compensated with different types of plasmagun as an example. Maybe the Mars pattern has 1 or 2 different skills out of the 4, or something like that.

The should be powerful combos for wielding both a melee and a pistol. They are the most common weapon setup for inquisitors, yet it feels sub par by a big margin compared to other weapons.

I hope to see the psycannon for the Psyker. would be amazing.


Here is my biggest gripe. It feels not much worth it and kind of break the lore imho. Itemization with stats (and color coding)  gives a feel that the items are magical. Which is far from the lore. Here is my suggestion:

Items would be blank, no stats. the quality of the item gives a number of addon slots. Like white = 1 slot, blue = 2 slots, etc...

Then you have addons that you can put in the item. They are the stats. They are what customize your item. be it Extra Plating (more armor), Silencer (reduce aggro range from attacks) or a visor (increasing accuracy).

That gives you a much more 'close to lore' feel, and an interesting crafting system. Maybe an armor type can have multiple patterns that gives a basic adjustment, but not more than that.

So you have:

1. Craft your base item (Pattern and # of slots get unlocked with level / research)

2. Craft your addons (Bonus capped with level, better ones get unlocked with level / research / reverse engineering)

3. You could extract an addon from a drop, and use it or reverse engineer it.

4. You could maybe upgrade the item / addon to make it better? Maybe add a slot, reroll bonus from addon.

5. You could maybe extract the visor from a lasgun you found, just to place it on your plasmagun?

The possibilities are endless, and can be lots of fun. Making crafting items not limited in usefulness. And sticking with the lore!

Could even do set bonus, like if you put this type of addon with this other type, you get another thing.


I would like to see some incentives to some maps vs others. It takes more time to do a purge than an assassination. It should show in the rewards, both xp/items. Also, if there could be bonus loot/xps from clearing maps and such. So that if you want to do it, even if its an assassination, then you can and be rewarded for it.


It would be nice if there would be no 'money'. More an Influence (rep to unlock better gear) and Requisition (quantifying your 'weight' in the ordos, akin to money). See the Dark Heresy system, or the Deathwatch one (RPG).

Discuss :)

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My impression and suggestions for the game
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7 years 33 days ago
Posted by KorbanGado 7 years 33 days ago

I love the idea of being able to take that one weapon and just keep boosting it up so it's useable *and* doesn't negatively impact your PL by being so far down the number pit that the other numbers laugh at it, and pretty much agree with you in that regard - down to being able to slot in various items - sigils and other little decorations - to effect the stats (or maybe even tie the RNG'd status lines to those). If ever they were to take one idea I've read, this would certainly be up there as a way to make me more prone to wanting to craft things since it wouldn't inevitably feel like a waste when a good stat line got replaced with a higher PL weapon because I needed better things.

I don't think I'm so much on the same page when it comes to weapon distributions and the likes. If the only weapons we found the majority of the time was chainswords, bolt pistols, boltguns, and lasguns it would get stale very fast - although I guess it very well could be argued that it wouldn't really change up gameplay that much in the hands of enemies if they all had autoguns or if they all had bolters. Our own acquisitions though, being the inquisition and all, are probably far more lenient than what our enemies would have. Of course, if all you ever picked up was lasguns, then the loot-hungry would quickly loose interest in the game and you'd have less of a reason to experiment with different guns because "oh hey, I just got this thing lets check it out." What I'm saying is on that front it leads to more variety instead of things getting stale faster due to the further missing variety.

As for the tabletop side of it - a lot of stuff done in that is to resemble some form of balance, and no greater example is that fact that a lowly guardsman with is laspistol can still kill a heavily armored imperial knight just by shooting it enough. Same thing happens a bit here - so we have to take some of those things into stride with that in mind. Yes, in a normal tactical squad in 40K of generic space marines, 1 in every 5 man squad can have a heavy/special weapon - not including all the fancy sergeant specific items. If we were to talk about the fancier Sternguard, than that would be 2 in every 5 that could have a special/heavy/combi weapon not including the sergeant. Factor in on top of this the names of what we are fighting - flamethrower marine? Oh, he's called a Havoc - the Chaos Devastator equivalent (heavy weapons), whose whole squad (assuming it's anything like the loyalist format) can select from the heavy weapons list. The hammer-marine? He's a champion (which, honestly in the SM got limited down to just power sword and a "champion's blade" kind of deal, but considering that's not much better than most sergeants I feel the hammer is totally a bit cooler to be getting attacked with). Now, I only have the Marines (and Grey Knights, who kinda turned into their own thing in the more modern editions) so I can't speak exactly for the guardsman or inquisition proper, but I think that helps kinda point that out there at any rate.

Thanks for your comments!

About the weapon distribution: loot-wise, yes, some weapons would be more rare, but would make them more special. I would see these dropping from elites only. And from a mob actually wielding it. 

Do not forget that there are also chests. where we can get any loot.

Also take into consideration that if you upgrade the same item over your career, it wouldnt matter if you get your gun of choice at each level. you would probably just extract the mods to customize your own gun :)

7 years 33 days ago

I love the idea of being able to take that one weapon and just keep boosting it up so it's useable *and* doesn't negatively impact your PL by being so far down the number pit that the other numbers laugh at it, and pretty much agree with you in that regard - down to being able to slot in various items - sigils and other little decorations - to effect the stats (or maybe even tie the RNG'd status lines to those). If ever they were to take one idea I've read, this would certainly be up there as a way to make me more prone to wanting to craft things since it wouldn't inevitably feel like a waste when a good stat line got replaced with a higher PL weapon because I needed better things.

I don't think I'm so much on the same page when it comes to weapon distributions and the likes. If the only weapons we found the majority of the time was chainswords, bolt pistols, boltguns, and lasguns it would get stale very fast - although I guess it very well could be argued that it wouldn't really change up gameplay that much in the hands of enemies if they all had autoguns or if they all had bolters. Our own acquisitions though, being the inquisition and all, are probably far more lenient than what our enemies would have. Of course, if all you ever picked up was lasguns, then the loot-hungry would quickly loose interest in the game and you'd have less of a reason to experiment with different guns because "oh hey, I just got this thing lets check it out." What I'm saying is on that front it leads to more variety instead of things getting stale faster due to the further missing variety.

As for the tabletop side of it - a lot of stuff done in that is to resemble some form of balance, and no greater example is that fact that a lowly guardsman with is laspistol can still kill a heavily armored imperial knight just by shooting it enough. Same thing happens a bit here - so we have to take some of those things into stride with that in mind. Yes, in a normal tactical squad in 40K of generic space marines, 1 in every 5 man squad can have a heavy/special weapon - not including all the fancy sergeant specific items. If we were to talk about the fancier Sternguard, than that would be 2 in every 5 that could have a special/heavy/combi weapon not including the sergeant. Factor in on top of this the names of what we are fighting - flamethrower marine? Oh, he's called a Havoc - the Chaos Devastator equivalent (heavy weapons), whose whole squad (assuming it's anything like the loyalist format) can select from the heavy weapons list. The hammer-marine? He's a champion (which, honestly in the SM got limited down to just power sword and a "champion's blade" kind of deal, but considering that's not much better than most sergeants I feel the hammer is totally a bit cooler to be getting attacked with). Now, I only have the Marines (and Grey Knights, who kinda turned into their own thing in the more modern editions) so I can't speak exactly for the guardsman or inquisition proper, but I think that helps kinda point that out there at any rate.

7 years 34 days ago

Really liking  the idea of cleansing battlefield drops at a cost of course also think your upgrade idea is spot on being able to take one off one mod and latter use on another weapon fits perfectly into place with 40K lore

7 years 35 days ago

Hmm another thought about the loot / crafting. Would be cool and on point lore wise if we would need to cleanse items requiring both time and ressource if we want to use them or extract from them. If it has been corrupted by xenos / chaos, only normal for it to be purged before using them (radicals could forego that step, but at what cost...)

7 years 36 days ago

Yeah i agree with the currency approach, its not a matter of credits. Not when you are an inquisitor.

Finding good tech is hard in wh40k, and it needs to feel that way. its not a matter of money, its just rare as hell. lol, well hell is probably much more common than good tech. Finding 3 plasmaguns in a run is sooooo far from the wh40k reality.

Thats why i like the approach of having a weapon and upgrading it. not: which plasmagun should i use tonight...

I would love to have the feeling... i got this plasmagun when i was lvl 5 from that elite boss, and i have been making (or asking mechanicus to do them) upgrades to it since. And yes, i am lvl 50, and its the same (although heavily modified) gun. Having spent time upgrading and giving it love.

And that brings me to another point... Every rebel sergeant has a plasmagun. Every chaos space marine has a special gun. Simply doesnt feel right. Makes it less special. By toning down the enemies weapon, maybe we could feel a little more 'Inquisitorial'.

In wh40k games, 1 in 10 SMs can have a special weapon... and thats for Space Marines! The elite of the elite. Where the Mechanicum would give their best weapons instead of the lowly guards.

I want that feel that tech matter. Sergeants should have maybe hotshot laserguns. But not plasma. Make tech more rare, more epic. more sought after. Would help tons with the feel.

7 years 36 days ago

I dont and wont play assasin so I cant say anything about it.

About weapons, I understand what you mean but for example I use bolt and plasma pistol for a long time. I like them and probably I ll use them when the final version released. Maybe there are inquisitiors who love theri las and auto pistols so the balance of them must be preserved.

I totally agree with you in crafting. I cant understand how a pistol give me tougness or virtue. Maybe relic/arifact class weapons may give bonuses but every item giving some bonus kills the lore imo. I always hate the idea of items make the man/woman in these genre though I love the game as it is.

Also upgrades like scopes, extended magazines/capacitors, laser sights, etc sounds better than current system.

Also agree with you about missions give bonuses for fully clearing the map.

And about currency, an inquisitor who can order exterminatus shouldn't bother with credits. He/she should spend renown/influence kind of currency which he/she gains from doing missions not from kill drops. But maybe use current currency when conducting investigations for bribing, buying information, black market like actions.