My character cannot proceed any campaign.


// i wrote it using translator

※ information

Platform : PS5

Software : Untimate Edition

PS ID : Kyobada

Character name : Mal'ganis (crusader), Medivh (psyker)

※ problems

I bought the game last week and was having fun playing it.

However, while I was playing Crusader after creating a second character, Cyker, a message related to the game's initial campaign mission 'Saving Caius Thorn' popped up.

After that, I thought everything was fine, but when I tried to play Psyker again, I couldn't play the 'Saving Caius Thorn' mission.

Only 'Continue Assignment', which was in progress in Crusader, was active, but it was impossible to escape from the 'Balthar System', which is an average level of 20.

Again, while playing Crusader, the Khorn-related mission 'Retribution' could no longer be progressed, and the character selection window displays as if a level 8 Psyker is performing this mission. (The mission is not activated when connected. )

In conclusion, my request is that I cannot proceed with the campaign of the main character Crusader anymore, so I hope to solve it quickly.

Related images are attached for better understanding. My main language is Korean, but I captured it in English to help developers understand.

... Why can't I attach local file?.. Only the link works.

This post was edited 2 years 110 days ago by Marlga
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My character cannot proceed any campaign.
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2 years 108 days ago

My crusader can now run the campaign.
But my psyker still can't return to the main campaign after pressing R2 → 'Continue Assignment'. Since psyker was created as a test, there is no problem to delete it, but I hope that the same situation do not appear.

Thanks for fix it.

2 years 108 days ago

Both your psyker's and crusader's issue got fixed just a moment ago. Please have a look at them and let us know if the issue is still present.

2 years 110 days ago
This comment was deleted 2 years 108 days ago by Marcopolocs