Multiplayer issue

  • Which operating system do you use? Windows 10 64 Bit
  • Which kind of software/hardware have you installed? 
  • i7-5930k, 32 GB GDDR4
  • The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing v1.10
  • What steps will reproduce the problem? Tried to join multiplayer game with wife in same house. Same version even deleted my folder copied hers...Tested Did the ping, etc...and waited 5 min on Resolving.
  • What did you expect to happen? Joining her game like I did Monday typically takes a couple of seconds.
  •  What happened instead? Waited 5 min on resolve, had her host, reset the router/dns server, no internet issues. 
  • Post screenshots if needed.
  •  there is my rig!
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Multiplayer issue
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7 years 122 days ago

So create a Public Game (Password) share that with your friends and you're good!

This comment was edited 7 years 122 days ago by Indomidable
7 years 121 days ago

Totally inappropriate, and sort of off topic, but your sub headline made me laugh inside (and I hope you won't take this the wrong way, it's kinda who I am):

Maybe you should try counselling? :)

...badum tishh :D

Glad you got it working though ;)

This comment was edited 7 years 121 days ago by Game kNight