Movement bug, visual bug and skill duration bug


1. Was playing as a psyker and facetanking Bullgryn (standing without movement on one place). Sometimes (not always, but most of the time), after Bullgryn smackes the ground (slam attack on the ground which has CC effect), after my character fell and stood up, I couldn't move at all. Basically, it it the same issue as with dodge-rolling into cutscene, after which you can't move.

So, after I was beaten to death and respawned, problem was fixed until another similar situation.

2. After patch 1.3.1 there is 3 visual bugs:

1) when playing coop, all enemies have their HP nearly halved, however after hittin them it goes back to normal. It is very laggy since their HP is always shown + frustrating;

2) after casting skills there is a violet something (seems like this is glitched offect of Shock above enemies head) appeares and stretches from your character in a random direction;

3) in coop when your teammate attacks the enemies with weapons that have visual effect (e.g. melta), AND positioned far away from your character, visually it is like shots are near your character. This visual glitch occurs only for Hosts (party leaders, as we tested).

HP and voilet thingy

Shots near you (from the perspective of my friend):

3. Also, for some reason I got a bug with duration for 2 psyker skills: "Precognition" and "Misfortune". I have "Psychic boon" perk and duration rune installed in the skills, but that what happened for me at some point: HOW it should be you can see at first screenshot above;

and THAT's what happened with this 2 skills on another map after some time:

Attached /mapinfo if this can help!

Thank you in advance!

This post was edited 6 years 65 days ago by sunlix
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Movement bug, visual bug and skill duration bug
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6 years 65 days ago
Added screenshots and edited text after furthet testing