more a prayer, then feedback


have you thought about adding an option to disable mouse-click movement? and if not would you, please?(<--Magick word)

game plays really well on keyboard movement and is already great fun in its current early stage, but would be amazing if i could disable the moving from left mouse button.  

...Guess thats it for me then, keep up the good work and i purge a planet for you. 

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more a prayer, then feedback
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8 years 22 days ago
apologies for posting in the wrong section, but thanks for adding it to the right one. :)

8 years 22 days ago
I will add this to our request section. With having WASD controls, this would be a logical step.
8 years 23 days ago
Posted by Taeryn 8 years 23 days ago
So you are not the first to ask for this, Walkingcorpse. I do not understand wanting keyboard movement, is there anyway you could enlighten me on this? I have always used mouse movement in ARPGs, so thats why I ask.

i know from warhammer online that some of the more advanced players use a different key mapping.

it takes time to getting used to but once you nail it you have good situational control for alot of skills.

to give an idea of what its about here is a guide i just googled. not sure what game it is ( prolly wow since
that url but doesnt matter the game the guide basically explains the benefits from that keymapping methode ) :

8 years 23 days ago


8 years 23 days ago
Posted by Taeryn 8 years 23 days ago
So you are not the first to ask for this, Walkingcorpse. I do not understand wanting keyboard movement, is there anyway you could enlighten me on this? I have always used mouse movement in ARPGs, so thats why I ask.
Some people prefer keyboard movement. For melee use and for some ranged situations, precision control while keeping the aiming focus (and facing) on the enemy is preferable. Having the OPTION is never bad.
8 years 23 days ago
So you are not the first to ask for this, Walkingcorpse. I do not understand wanting keyboard movement, is there anyway you could enlighten me on this? I have always used mouse movement in ARPGs, so thats why I ask.