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- Morality relics don't drop
Finished void crusade, chose chest with morality relics, didn't get any. Third crusade in a row. And didn't get any for the whole game. What the hell?
P.S.: i have perk on morality tree, don't tell about it
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now i have PS4, so i do what i like to call "speed runs" , i do an ivory crusade and i'll do the absolute minimum missions to get the most keys and most info frags,
so i'll usually end up with 4 keys 3 info frags at the end,
now i know my chances are slim to none of gettin a morality relic so it doesn't bother me if i don't get one, i just keep doing it over and over and believe it or not
they start popping up, and i use the emperyean seal too if i want a weapon or armor but that is random as hell also
Guys, I'm playing since 1.3 patch, didn't get ANY morality relic. NOT A SINGLE ONE. So I think it's a bug, not my poor luck.
They do drop, but it's very rare. They can actually drop from pretty much anything, including drops during a mission and missions rewards, like the one in the screenshot.
It's just a question of luck, nothing else. You can do 10+ void crusades with no morality drop and then get one in a random intel mission...
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