Morality bugged?


I select the appropriate response on a priority mission but the Morality bar never moves in either direction regardless of which path i choose.  Is the morality bar broken and/or is your selection just not registering in game????

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Morality bugged?
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5 years 193 days ago

much appreciated, best dev team yet

5 years 194 days ago
I corrected your points! 
5 years 195 days ago
psn ChaosLordHadez
5 years 195 days ago
May I ask your PSN/Gamertag? I will check your account! 
5 years 196 days ago
i seem to have discovered the same problem building puritan morality. my choice keeps being forced to radical and i should assuming my math, is right now have the puritan perk. yet i have fallen back to barely meeting the requirements for basic skills in the tree. help or insight would be appreciated.
5 years 196 days ago
As you had a hard time with this I increased your Morality points considerably!:)
5 years 196 days ago


The morality of my psyker has again slightly decreased.

5 years 228 days ago
I will push this matter, our console team will handle it as soon as possible!
5 years 229 days ago

The last time morality went down and ended up going up by itself. It does not matter everything is back to normal.
On the other hand, today I have just made a priority mission and my morality has gone down again instead of rising.

Can you solve this problem permanently? It is painful !

5 years 233 days ago
5 years 233 days ago


The morality of my psyker has again slightly decreased.

5 years 240 days ago

It has been handled!

5 years 241 days ago

The morality of my psyker has again slightly decreased. Can you fix it?

5 years 246 days ago

I compensated your lost Morality points. If you encounter this issue again prior to a fix please comment here and I will handle the rest! 

5 years 250 days ago
ME to 
5 years 251 days ago


Have you found a solution for me ?

5 years 252 days ago

I have the same problem. Since a few days I made 2 priority missions where I had every time the possibility to increase the morality of 15 points. Unfortunately morality has diminished on every occasion.
Can you fix the problem and give me back the lost points.
I am on ps4
my id psn: kinglebro
my character is my psyker level 80.
I just noticed the problem. Do you have the opportunity to know the number of times I have had the same problem since the release of the game? If possible, could you give me back all the points lost since that date?

6 years 62 days ago
Thank You.
6 years 62 days ago
I compensated some of your lost points! Our apologize for the inconvenience! 
6 years 62 days ago
Yes it was on PC.  My acct name is Dallaen and my character name is exactly the same.  It's hard to say how many times this has occurred but i can safely say at least a dozen or so times.  Each time i never get any morality movement.  
6 years 64 days ago

are you playing on PC?
There is an ongoing issue with the Morality decisions in Priority Assignments which will be resolved with the upcoming patch. Please tell me your account name, character name and the number of cases you had to make a decision!