

I made the mistake of when my radical morality was max I put points into puritan not realising it would subtract from my radical path is there any way of undoing this mistake thanks

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4 years 217 days ago
I think you mean Priority Assignments, not Investgations; right?
4 years 219 days ago
Well the problem is that this part of the game is actually bound to the wh40k lore. You are radical or puritan. You can't be both and have to choose wisely and stick with it. Many people already had your problem (me too) but the only REAL solution is basically to start a new char.

It is actually possible to get back to 300 through investigations (I did it myself with my Psyker from 150 or something) but it takes several weeks of checking the possible investigations on a daily base...

4 years 219 days ago
I too fell short of 300 one way or the other.  Work thru Random Priority Assignments.   Some have a +15 Morality choice right up front, the last one I did to reach 300 had a +25 Morality choice a few steps into it.
4 years 219 days ago
would it be possible for devs to reset my radical path back to 300 and my puritan path back to Zero?

4 years 219 days ago
If you have finished all campaigns/DLCs the only way is to look after investigations. There is a chance that there are morality decisions. But they give +15 only so it can be a looong way to max out your morality tree again...