Missing enemies


My cabal has experienced a lack of enemies on Cabal Extermination Missions for four times now. We run around but find no more enemies although the mission is not fulfilled yet. We even stepped into traps instead of destroying them, but this still did not deliver the 300 we needed to kill. Two times we had almost a tenth of the 'enemies left'-bar left.

Luckily the mission still counts against the cabal directive, even if we surrender instead of waiting 7 Minutes or more...

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Missing enemies
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7 years 165 days ago

Did you have some bugged out enemys? In some Tarot "kill all" missions i saw the last enemy untargetable and bugged out because, at least it seems like it, he stood in the death animation of an tank and i made some explosion attacks. Seems like those bug out some mobs. 

So maybe if you do the good old nadelauncher squad thing in those missions it might make a lot of mobs bug as well.