(SOLVED) Martyr Chapter 3 campaign bug


UPDATE: After what seemed to have been some kind of server/connection delay, everything is back to normal and I was able

to finish the chapter missions without further issues (even got the missing loot retroactively).

The chapter 3 main missions which take place on the martyr glitched/bugged out after finishing them.

- The collected loot from the missions was gone and my character level was back to where it was before the first chapter 3 mission.

- Within each of the sub-missions the level was displayed correctly, but back on the bridge it has been reset again to where it was at the start of chapter 3.

- But now, still in chapter 3, I have to talk to Omikron Arkh (after the machine spirit mission) to progress the campaign, 

but it doesn't work. It goes right to the crafting screen. Tried several times, restarted the game, nothing works.

- And now worst of all, I can't even load my character which is currently at level 53.

I seriously hope this can be fixed asap.

This post was edited 4 years 305 days ago by MercilessInquisitor
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(SOLVED) Martyr Chapter 3 campaign bug
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4 years 305 days ago
Let us know if you still any assistance in the matter. We are glad the reported issue is no longer present.