Marcopolocs, can you pls help?.


Yes, pretty much as title says. Can you Developer Marcopolocs please help me with my Build?

With that I mean... Can you please help me out by going in and taking a look at my Character (my Psyker), and see what I can do to improve my Stats so that I may have a chance against this very last Challenge I am having. It is the challenge where you are supposed to: Get through 5 Missions +10 Lvls above without dying.

Can you please take a look and tell me what exactly to improve to stand a fighting chance against this sort of Missions. I have managed to do 1 (ONE) of these. And even though I am actually improving my Stats on my items, it still seems like it is the same thing all over again in every Mission (Not much difference in hurting those Mobs). 2 days until closure and I desperately wish to have all Challenges done.

I´m asking you to give me a little edge here against the Mobs, I´m not asking you to Super charge me so I´m a Super Uber Superman thing here. I´m asking you to give me the most essential stats I need to improve on as I am having, and to give me the best Perks to go for since I need to maximize these AoE and Molten Beam I am using. 

I´m asking you for the chance of me being able to do a Mission +10 here in hopefully less then 1 and a half hour, instead of spending 2 and 3 hours here, and after all that time maybe even not getting through the Mission whole. I need that slight edge that can help me go forward, instead of backward. I need that tiny little extra boost, that means so much. I wish to have that tiny little extra that gives me that extra fair shot at actually making it.

Maybe even take out a Boss like Creature in less then 20 mts time or so.

You may not be able to do it or allow it, but I am at least just asking. Also since getting help around a lot in this forum is not always as easy as I would think it would be in some cases. I´m not saying that I´m not getting ANY help around here on this forum, but I do wished it would be a lot more than it actually is.

I do remember back in the days when the game was released and still in Early Access, there used to be a LOT more activity in these forums than it is today. And I see MANY of the players that were around in these forums back then is unfortunately no longer active Forum Members. I miss those times.

Sorry, but for safety measures and so, I would like to not give out my Account & Character name and such on these Forums. You been looking at my Character(s) ingame earlier Marcopolocs. And yes, please do if you can.

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Marcopolocs, can you pls help?.
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4 years 116 days ago
Brother Kundari

I would recommend you to wait until Season 2 rolls out on PC because there will be some fundamental balance changes on the Psyker. Its best to leave it until then.

4 years 116 days ago
Nope, forget about it. I decided to scrap him, nullify and slam him down to zero and watched a cpl Youtube videos, and then totally redo him. Hope it is enough to get him through the last few Challenges. In a much better fashion as well.