Magos Biologis Bug


I have 4/5 clues and I am to search 3 possible sites in the Aethon system....but there are no markers indicating the 3 sites..

PSN ID : MaynardPlum

Crusader : Revan

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Magos Biologis Bug
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3 years 125 days ago
The issue got fixed, please check on it.
3 years 127 days ago
Hello, my character is also stuck here.

I am playing on Xbox one

Xbox live name: Schietkopf

CAME character name: Schietkopf

5 years 103 days ago

Hi, my character is also stuck on the Magos Biologis Mission -- Same deal 4/5 pieces found. 

Account Name - SteampoweredCid

Character Name - Steamboy

Steam Name -$teampoweredCid

5 years 104 days ago
aaahhh the same here


kidrock01  --  havygunner crusader

5 years 118 days ago
This needs a permanent fix. 
5 years 118 days ago
my steam resting weirdo

my  character is madjanie 

same bug 3 location unknown

5 years 140 days ago

Managed to progress past that point, think it may have been an error on my part rather than a bug, but I got confused as I thought I'd sought the magos at 2 locations, then did a side mission when the magos was talking to me before I found him. Anyway, think I could have progressed.

Also wanted to say I love the game, it's brilliant! Thanks for responding

5 years 144 days ago
Noted, expect a fix soon!
5 years 145 days ago
Thanks, my neocore account is rmuz, Xbox muzzenho 
5 years 145 days ago
Would you please provide your account name as well? We could find various accounts with the same character name. 
5 years 146 days ago
Hello, I have this bug too, I have 4/5 clues but no 3rd mission to be able to find the magos. Please fix - character Harkan
5 years 164 days ago
Posted by Piccomaster 5 years 164 days ago

Hi the bug is not fix. I'm stuck too ! I've made more than 20 mission on Aethon system and Magos Biologis don't appear...

I've 4/5 clew, Crusader and on PC.

MEA culpa, I confound the system Aethon with the planet Aethon... There is no bug.

5 years 164 days ago

Hi the bug is not fix. I'm stuck too ! I've made more than 20 mission on Aethon system and Magos Biologis don't appear...

I've 4/5 clew, Crusader and on PC.

This comment was edited 5 years 164 days ago by Piccomaster
5 years 167 days ago
Noted, we will fix your progress ASAP!
5 years 169 days ago

I have this problem too. I think I visited the first location before the big 2.0 patch. I went to the other two afterwards. She wasn't at any of them. Now I don't have any pink markers on the map to visit. Clues are stuck at 4/5 and I can't progress the plot.

Please can you fix it?

My account/character name in game is DGresevfan. The problem is with my Crusader character. Is that all you need?

5 years 172 days ago
Also stuck here.

Psn: ciaphus_cain

Infiltrator assassin 


Hope you can fix this several months old critical bug.

5 years 173 days ago
got stuck with my Crusader 4/5 


5 years 175 days ago
I am experiencing the same issue on  my Crusader

Steam Account/ID: Kaidiien

Crusader: Kaelyn

5 years 176 days ago
Thanks for the account names guys, we will fix your progress as soon as possible!
5 years 177 days ago
Same bug. Did all 3 of the search missions and now stuck.

Platform: Steam

User: Bjor

Char: Bjor

5 years 177 days ago
I am stuck on that part now, did the missions with some friends in co-op and now they are off my starmap with no progression. 

Platform: Steam

User: RogueBarret

Char: Sir Splosion

5 years 184 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 184 days ago
Guys, we fix manually those accounts which are stuck in the campaign. Please give us your account and character names.
Isn't that a little counter intuitive considering how many people get stuck at that exact point in the game?
5 years 184 days ago
Guys, we fix manually those accounts which are stuck in the campaign. Please give us your account and character names.
5 years 184 days ago

Same here; searched all 3 locations, Magos was at neither.

Can't progress anymore.

And right after the 2.0 as well :'(

5 years 184 days ago
Same problem for me, the bug is still alive and well. I searched all 3 locations, and the magos was not ant any of them. The voice lines for the first location were played at each, and then I am stuck with the objective "search 3 locations" with no locations to search.

Also my account info is not accepted in the login screen when I click "report bug" in game, so here I am.

5 years 288 days ago

The bug seems to be resolved and my campaign progress has resumed.

Thanks Marco and Neocore for the boosts...


5 years 292 days ago
We will check your progress and will handle the matter as soon as possible! Thanks for getting back to us!
5 years 293 days ago
I was able to recruit the magos, one of the mission reappeared and this time she was there.
5 years 293 days ago
Marcopolocs didn't fix it...campaign is still stuck...

..searching for the Magos even when I have already found her...

5 years 293 days ago


we made some changes on our backend yesterday, please check if the fixes resolved your progress problem. Further fixes are to be expected shortly! Our apologize for the inconvenience!

5 years 295 days ago
A week has past and the bug is still there... no way to play the campaign. I hope you guys work your ass off to solve the problem. Thanks
5 years 295 days ago

Exact same problem. Game becomes unplayable on PS4 when it gets stuck on 4/5 clues in the Saving Caius Thorn mission.

5 years 295 days ago
I have the same problem psn: GutlessJungle1 Character name: Gutless Class: Crusader I did all three missions and they all ended with the same conversation about her not being there. But after all three the system is still marked without any new missions. And the investigation with 1 step unchecked.

5 years 295 days ago

Thanks for the fix but..

I've now found the Magos, she is on my ship, but the campaign is still stuck at 4/5 clues in search of the Magos.....


5 years 297 days ago

We fixed a bunch of accounts which had the issue in question. Please check on your progress when possible!

5 years 298 days ago
Same problem for me... Psn: Irocase87 character name: Irocase87. Class: crusader
5 years 300 days ago

We will check on the issue and get it fixed as soon as possible! Our apologize for the inconvenience!