Looking for some warzone buddies on Xbox


I'm a Tanky Crusader and while it's nice to never fear death Warzone mode is well... really really freaking boring... I'm on stage mid 30s is and I virtually don't have to heal nvm die or fail a mission. But even with 100% success rate as i progress the only thing that changes is how long the missions take. But I'm a completionist and I want Warzone gear so if any end game dps would enjoy a meat shield let me know? GT is Lapis Lazuli 99. Or message me here.

 As a side note to the devs is this how Warzone is intended to work? Because I'd rather the enemies do a thousand times as much damage than take a thousand times longer to kill XD it's currently going to take hundreds of hours of work to buy warzone gear and it's already taken longer for 30 stages than it even took to hit 1500 pr.

This post was edited 6 years 165 days ago by LapisLazuli99
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Looking for some warzone buddies on Xbox
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6 years 165 days ago
Posted by RENDER 6 years 165 days ago
You can add me "Renderedcadence" Another undying crusader.

Lol oh god two pairs of power armor slowly but surely trampling the unclean.

6 years 165 days ago
You can add me "Renderedcadence" Another undying crusader.