loggin server bug


i don't want to be an asshole but for me right now the game is game worst every patch and I must say im a really big warhammer fan ... I think GW would sell shit in a bag and I would still be checking to buy .... yeah im stupid like that

after the new patch I still get the you've been disconnected from logging server returning to main menu ... but I get sent back to my ship ... I got the reward screen ... I push ok .... then I got a msg you must accept pending reward ... but I cant accept it and then the game freeze but It seem like the mission I did his complete since I got new mission on the star map ... .but still Im getting no loot or anything ... I know the game is in alpha but still

I really loved the game at first but now

im about to ask for a refound since I cant really play the game and test it

im sorry for my poor english

This post was edited 7 years 55 days ago by Skarlan88
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loggin server bug
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6 years 313 days ago

well no more logging bug server ... I just get sent back to the ship after the mission with no reward no nothing ... no loot no progression this thing have not been working right since months

6 years 341 days ago

files verified ... same stupid bug is here again ill just give up on that game

6 years 357 days ago
Have you tried to verify your game files on Steam?
6 years 357 days ago

well the game crash at the end of almost every mission now ... and the rest of time it disconnect me from loggin server ....

7 years 18 days ago

and there is a bug with crafting item too ... you click accept crafting reward but they don't appers in your inventory

7 years 18 days ago

well look like I got my item reward but it look like the bug is back tried to play mission a couple of time and now I got this loggin server bug msg again

7 years 26 days ago
I tried to readd your lost items, try if it works now (relog if you are in-game).

If it doesn't I'm gonna call in the cavalry ;)

7 years 27 days ago

in game account Skarlan88

7 years 27 days ago

well the game work almost right for a week except for some crafting bugs .... but after no patch im starting to get the same bug again .... but the game crash at the end ...

7 years 33 days ago
Thank you, but I need your ingame account name too. 
7 years 35 days ago


intel i7 4770 350ghz

8gig ram

NVidia gtx 770

win 7 64 bit

I know it not a brand new system ... I do not live in my mother basement spending all my money on my computer and bragging about it like a lot of people

7 years 35 days ago
Posted by Morzan 7 years 35 days ago
Hi! Sorry for the late response. Can you send me your account name, system config/dxdiag?

Have you tried to verify the game?

ive tried to verify game files at least twice .... uninstalled the game and re-installed it ... re-verified ... look like im one rare case of this bug

7 years 35 days ago
Hi! Sorry for the late response. Can you send me your account name, system config/dxdiag?

Have you tried to verify the game?

7 years 36 days ago

and this week end patch did nothing ... except make the game freeze in middle of misssion

7 years 36 days ago

well no comment from dev after about 3 weeks ... it been more then a month since I can REALLY play the game ... now I really want a refund ... ill buy back later maybe if this thing work

7 years 54 days ago

No need to apologise, your English is perfectly fine!

Sounds like you having a persistent bug with each patch. Don't really think that reflects how the actual game / content is though.

Has anyone helped you with fixing the issue yet? If it's that persistent as a bug then sounds like something is going wrong indeed. Perhaps one of the tech support can help you out (although I don't think they work weekends)